4 Tips for Ensuring you Will Receive Sydney Workers’ Compensation

Author: Tommy Wyher

One of the most troubling times in life may involve being injured on the job. This can keep you from working and cause you a great deal of financial problems. The best way to survive during this challenging time is by seeking the reimbursement you deserve through workers’ compensation. This will allow you to have the money you need to pay your medical bills and survive lost wages. It’s ideal to know effective tips that will enable you to qualify for this compensation. Additionally, if necessary, you should rely on the legal advice of a Sydney workers’ compensation lawyer to assist you.

Tip #1: Inform your employer

The first thing you will want to do is to let your boss know that you’ve been hurt. This will aid you in getting the payment you need because of your urgency to do so.

You legally have 30 days to tell your employer of your injury, but waiting this long amount of time could make your case seem suspicious.

Tip #2: Choose the right doctor

It’s not uncommon for your employer to encourage you to select a specific medical provider for treatment. Many companies have a payment arrangement in place that makes some of the medical expenses lower for the employer. Failing to see a doctor that has been approved by your boss could forfeit your right to receive payment.

Tip #3: Authorize medical records

In order for your employer to have the necessary proof from your doctor that your injuries were due to the accident, you must sign a form. Doing so will authorize your employer to have direct access to your medical records and will assist in proving your case.

Tip #4: Tell the truth

The worst thing you can do is lie about your accident. Engaging in fraudulent activity can forfeit your right to receive any compensation at all. Additionally, you could even face charges by doing this, and this is the last thing you will want to do.

You should also be sure that you weren’t intoxicated or taking medications that may have contributed to your injury. Either of these will be thoroughly investigated by your employer and could prevent you from receiving any compensation at all.

Tip #5: Have witnesses

It’s a great idea to have others that may have seen your accident occur. If these were co-workers or others that only were standing by when you got hurt, be sure to get the name and addresses of these individuals. This will be an effective way to prove your case if you have any problems receiving workers’ compensation from your employer.

Recovering from your work-related accident is sure to be significant to you. If your employer fails to compensate you for your financial losses be sure to consult with a Sydney workers’ compensation lawyer to help!