How Does IoT Impact the Data Centre?

Author: Rick Williams

Large enterprises across the world opt for an external Data Center to avoid capital expenditure and add more flexibility to the system. They take advantage of various sources like partner recommendations or a Data Center/Cloud Referral Program to find an ideal Data Center to handle all their storage and backup needs.

The Internet-of-things (IoT) which is believed to be next prominent wave of technology will disrupt Data Center operations and place more demands and complexities onto them. Read on to find out more.

Size of Data Centers will matter

IoT involves a number of devices and appliances connected through a network and fitted with sensors. The amount of data generated will be massive and it requires a sufficiently sized Data Center to handle that amount of data. However, with IoT, the processing of data needs to be quick and almost real-time. This is done much better and more efficiently in smaller Data Centers. Thus, the proliferation of IoT will demand Data Centers to be categorized based on sizes and the respective functions. For instance, big Data Centers will be used as data repository units while the micro Data Centers will be allowed to communicate directly with IoT sensors.

Backing up data will demand greater network bandwidth and storage capacity

The new architecture for data processing that involves multiple sites will increase the pressure on the Data Center personnel and backing up the large volume of data can become more complex. To avoid the high costs of network and storage bandwidth, Data Centers must automate selective backup of data. In an IoT environment, the raw data is often obsolete after being turned into a more valuable stream of inference. Data Centers must be able to sift through and sort out data based on their value and relevance.

Data Centers must provide advance facilities to process IoT data based on business priorities

Data Centers must engage advanced capacity planning platforms that come with DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management) system approach. This helps to align IT systems with communication protocols and OT (operational technology) standards so that processing of data from IoT applications can be prioritized and processed on a real-time basis.

Higher pressure on data security

The different-sized Data Centers will be handling enormous amount of data from the generation stage to the archiving of content. Thus, large packets will be moving across Data Centers and business organizations, thus making them highly vulnerable to attacks. The security and privacy of data must be drilled down to the code level including end-to-end encryption. Tight security measures must be adopted especially in sensitive sectors like healthcare and finance.

Data Centers will be undoubtedly undergoing a massive phase of change with the spread of IoT. Organizations that need to incorporate these changes into their existing setup can opt for reliable Data Centers and Cloud services through a Data Center or Cloud Referral Program.

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