Increase Your Carnation Yield with Carnation Cultivation in Polyhouse
With Carnation cultivation in polyhouse now one can easily increase the yield of their crop as poly house cultivation helps farmers and agriculturists to grow produce year round. With the increased impact of on the depletion of the ozone layer we all are well aware that our seasons are getting affected and with that the pattern of rainfall is all the more erratic.
In India most of our farmers are dependent on rainfalls for most of the Capsicum cultivation and for the cultivation of other fruits and vegetables. Poly house cultivation doesn’t just give a better return to growth as compared to open field cultivation of vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumber, capsicum, but also gives a better return on cut flowers such as Gerbera, Carnations and Rose, etc.
What is poly house production and how Capsicum cultivation & Gerbera cultivation in polyhouse is beneficial? Poly house production is about producing crops through an alternative method in place of cultivating crops through open field cultivation. Naturally ventilated, poly houses from the house of Saveer Biotech help in producing crops in controlled environments by controlling light, temperature, humidity and even the carbon dioxide level. These poly houses are highly energy efficient and help in producing crops even in those areas where regular supply of electricity is questionable. Cultivation through poly house increases the yield both qualitatively and quantitatively by 3 to 5 times and also they help in producing crops with great ease during the off season as well.
Saveer Biotech is well known for manufacturing and supplying the Gerbera cultivation polyhouse for better productivity and yield of not just Gerbera but of various other agricultural products. Incorporated in 1978, Saveer Biotech Limited is one of the leading Greenhouse Suppliers in India. Saveer Biotech is a SIRO that is Scientific and Industrial Research Organization and is recognized by the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India.
It is the strong values and beliefs of Saveer Biotech such as innovative products, strong leadership, integrity, social responsibility and above all sound delivery model is what makes Saveer, the best Agri Biotech Company of India and Greenhouse Suppliers in India. The organization is known to provide complete solutions to their customers from engineering design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning and management of the projects. It is with this spirit that Saveer has successfully delivered more than 6000 projects in India, Trans Asia, Africa, and Antarctic Polar Region. To know more about Saveer Biotech and to inquire about their range of Carnation cultivation in polyhouse, capsicum cultivation & Gerbera cultivation in polyhouse, greenhouse, garden factories, plant phenomics, commercial greenhouses, growth chambers, plant tissue labs and rain out shelters etc.