Some Easy Hacks To Lose Weight!

Author: Cater Pilly

Losing weight is no rocket science. When it comes to healthy weight loss solutions, you know the drill – take in few calories, burn more. But the truth is most diet plans and weight loss programs don’t work as promised, and sometimes they're simply unhealthy. You need to make sure that your weight loss program is effective and healthy at the same time.

Here we are telling you some "effective and healthy" ways to help you shed off some pounds:

  • The first thing you should do is get an online weight loss buddy program. A study has found that internet based weight maintenance programs are better than face-to-face support groups. The reason is simple; it keeps you motivated no matter where you are and helps keeping the weight off.
  • If you keep focusing on things you can’t do, chances are you won’t do them! Like if you keep resisting junk food, you’ll find it more difficult to control your urge to have it. Instead repeat positive things to yourself, like "I can lose weight" or "I can skip my dessert after dinner".

Try repeating these phrases and they'll become true for you before it’s too long!

  • Stick to water, and stick hard. Start your day with a light breakfast. But avoid soft drinks or any sugary drinks throughout the day. Avoid consuming sugar. It makes no sense to give-up high calorific diet and start consuming sugary drinks thinking that it’ll keep you energised. So a better alternative here is to drink water – it’ll keep your body hydrated and will help you lose weight.
  • Special diets won’t always do - especially when you’re already a food-o-holic! The better alternative is to eat fewer bites of your meal. One less treat a day, one less coffee, one less soda, one less glass of juice – it can save about 100 to 150 calories intake a day.
  • Do you know why many fast-food restaurants aren't decorated in blue? Because blue color is an appetite suppressant, and that’s a scientific fact! So stare at blue color when you are about to eat! Serve meals in blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, or use a blue tablecloth.

Also, avoid red, yellow and orange colors in your dining areas. They encourage eating.

  • A study has also found that if you eat in front of mirrors, you'll lose weight! Because when you'll eat in front of a mirror, it’ll reflect your standards and goals along you, and will remind you of the reason you're trying to lose weight.
  • When you start losing your weight, throw out every piece of clothing that doesn't fit. The idea here is very simple, you’ll be afraid of gaining weight again by the thought of having to buy a whole new wardrobe to fit in. Here, it is important to note that you don't literally need to throw everything, just give it away to the needy!

For more hacks on how to lose weight fast and keep it off, please feel free to visit us at

About The Author

Johnny Walsh is a health expert and fitness freak who is also well known for his interesting articles and blogs wherein he shares his valuable insights and helps people in attaining their desired body shape faster. He recommends as the best name to trust if you are looking for effective weight loss programs.