What Do Our Vets Think of Donald Trump Running for Office?
We had to do it. So many debates and speeches are planned every week that just do not include the most relevant and important voices of our society. Of course, I am talking about our prestigious armed forces and military veterans. We have really let down this portion of our society by not putting their words on the forefront of the 2016 Presidential Election Primaries Process. So what did we do? We went out and gathered three REAL DEAL military veterans who have a lot of passionate words that they would like to document and make available to the general public who may not be using the same goggles when deciding who their pick for president will be in 2016. We asked some tough questions and tried to really get to the main considerations and sound bytes that have resonated the most (whether positively or negatively) to the group.
These are not the typical red-blooded types that you see featured all day long on Fox News, or the super liberal types that you see featured regularly on MSNBC. These vets represent a solid perspective of what it means to be a vet with an impending billionaire president elect that has never sacrificed much for the country. Each of the veterans brings even a unique perspective to their personal needs and requirements for a good presidential candidate. Will you be completely surprised by their answers? Some of the responses will actually come at a surprise to most people. Do Check out the linked to video page, and get a glimpse for yourself what kind of impression the Donald is leaving for our military vets.
The video was produced by the Ranker.com team, well known for their funny and controversial videos that focus on "best of" lists and current topics like the 2016 Presidential Election. The team felt the need to put together a reference for people to get an idea of what our former military heroes look for in their leadership. Is it somebody bold, who makes quick decisions with complete confidence… Or is it somebody more empathetic and careful with any military progression? It is important that we know how a president can perform for all of us, as opposed to the promise of legislation that just helps us individually (higher pay, more jobs, etc.). By taking in the knowledge that these vets contribute on this video, we can inch our way to making a better decision this election cycle.
get the latest review regarding Election 2016, you can visit http://www.ranker.com/video/soldiers-vote-trump-video.