Can Hypertension lead to failure of Heart!
One easy fact that many people does not have come to appreciate the fact 60% of the heart failures or the Heart Attack are indirectly or directly or caused by the high level of blood pressure which is also known as Hypertension. On the other hand the blood pressure level is enhanced when there is certainly some narrowing of the blood vessels that are supplying the blood to various organs; the complete phenomenon called as the Peripheral Resistance. As it is expected, pipes from the overhead tank are also partly and they are completely blocked, high level of water will be pulled again in the tank. If tank has the elastic property, so it will expand and it will becomes tense.
This is the same phenomenon that happens when blood vessels gets narrowed. At initial stage, the part of blood vessel prior to narrowed point also gets filled with the blood and it also expands for accommodating back flow. Hence it is really very important for the real Heart Disease Diagnosis that will help you to diagnose the real problem of heart. Since your heart is the key source and it is also the pumping machine, so high level of blood is retained in your heart. However, in the attempt to pump blood against the resistant, more efforts are placed on muscles of heart.
Generally, muscles of body also enlarge when it is subjected to the work, for instance the incredible level of exercise, gymnastics and many others. In similar way, muscles of heart starts to enhance in same way, muscles of your heart also starts begin to get enlarge in the size while it is overloaded; the condition that are also known as the size while overloaded; the situation is also known as the Cardiomegaly. At first, this kind of structural enlargement also appears to be compensatory in the nature but with the passing of time, heart again starts begins to perform quite below about their best potential. In the state of the poor performance of pumping, heart is also said to stay in the failure so it leads to failure of Hypertensive.
On the other hand, it is really important to take the proper and suitable High Blood Pressure Treatment as if the treatment is not taken on time it might lead to adverse effects on your health. Telemetry monitoring is also the test that appears at function of brain that works by the complete series of the nerve impulses that also cause the electrical signals in your brain. Such signals also known as the brainwaves and they can get recorded with the help of your scalp.
Telemetry monitoring is quite similar to EEG test where it records brainwaves but above a quite longer time period, at times even taking about 5 days for getting the requisite information. The digital recording of video will be done during the process of test. It enables doctors to easily compare the brainwaves of child with their movement and also the behavior during that point of time. Cardiovascular Screening