Is FUE Hair Transplant In Singapore Suitable For Women?

Author: Daniel Ahmad

Hair loss is a situation meted out by both males and females. And, women have an intense relationship with their hairs that they cannot forget ever. We have seen men getting demoralized due to baldness, but most of them cope with those conditions in one way or the other. As for women, the hair loss could be extremely despairing as it is the "crown" in their heads. For that reason, women consider the FUE hair transplant in Singapore more apt than anything else.

Hair transplants aren’t something only limited to the male domain as traditionally perceived. Although, the males have been the primary recipients of this surgery, but nowadays there is an increase in women patients to opt for the hair transplants. A fact that holds true for both men and women is low confidence in the individual due to hair loss. A professional opinion should be sought by women if they are too anxious about their hair condition. The hair loss condition may arise due to several reasons, including: Poor diet, excessive hair styling, environmental pollution, hormonal imbalances, genetic conditions, serious medical conditions, etc.

Some reasons where women are personally responsible for hair loss

There are some reasons where women develop their hair loss condition on their own. Traction alopecia is one of those conditions where women lose hair gradually. This condition only arises when women indulge in excessive hair styling, which leads to excessive tension on hair follicles and ultimately damaging those areas. Tight ponytails, buns, hair weaves, braids, ballerina buns, etc. are some of those hairstyles that result in bald patches if not corrected before it is too late. Those later effects might become permanent and women do have to think about FUE hair transplant in Singapore as the sole treatment.

Other conditions where lifestyle changes won’t help

Women’s condition of hair loss is slightly complicated than that of men. It is possible that women can also experience "male-pattern baldness" where it results in receding hairlines, thinning and balding. This drives the women to opt for hair replacement system in Singapore as it is a genetic condition and mostly occurs in men, as its name already suggests. These conditions could have a detrimental effect on women’s confidence and self-esteem.

No concrete solution

The surgical route may seem a viable option at the time, but it does not "guarantee" an everlasting solution. Hence, women should head for the hair transplantation treatment with a realistic expectation. Further, the surgeons may ask to reiterate the operation in case the previous one showed no satisfactory results.

There is a technique called scalp micropigmentation in Singapore, where the specialists or experts insert organic charcoal pigments in the scalp matching to the skin tone and hair color of the patient. It is a total "risk-free" treatment and doesn’t involve too much of bucks unlike the hair transplant surgery. Indeed, it is important to visit the specialist for a professional advice and pursue for a treatment.

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