Calgary Snow Removal Services For Safety

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Snow and ice are a natural part of living in Calgary. Just as soon as one storm goes through the weather forecasters start talking about the next one. For that reason, removing ice and snow is an ongoing challenge for residential and commercial property owners throughout the winter. When it comes to Calgary snow removal, getting the professionals to do it is the easiest choice.

What the Law Says about Calgary Snow Removal

Calgary law is quite specific about snow and ice removal. The owner of any private property that is next to a sidewalk is legally responsible for removing the ice and snow on that sidewalk within 24 hours of a storm depositing it. With snow storms coming along a couple of times a week, staying ahead of the snow and ice accumulation is a never-ending task.

If a property owner fails to keep up with the removal, the City of Calgary will do it instead. In those cases, the property owner will pay for the removal through a surcharge added to their property bill.

Keep Safety in Mind

If you choose to remove snow and ice yourself, you need to keep safety in mind at all times. Slips and falls on ice are a major cause of injury during the winter months. Misusing a snow shovel is a common reason for people to develop back strains during winter. Instances of cardiac overexertion tend to spike after major snow storms due to snow removal activities. Some of those cardiac instances lead to death.

You can use a snow shovel or a snow blower to remove the snow on top. Before starting snow removal, dress appropriately for the weather and have a plan on where the snow will go. Work in short segments with frequent breaks. This will prevent over-exertion. Consider placing the snow in planting beds to give a layer of insulation and to water the beds as the Chinook winds melt it.

Let the Professionals Do It

Property owners who are tired of taking care of Calgary snow removal themselves should think about calling in the professionals. The pros can keep parking lots, sidewalks, and driveways clear of snow and ice quickly after a storm subsides. They have the equipment to do the job quickly and effectively, while keeping everyone safe in the process. The property owner doesn't have to worry about a thing.

If you need professional snow removal services, contact us here at Mirage Landscaping. We are the experts in Calgary snow removal. We have been proudly serving the residents of Calgary for three generations. Call us today and get that snow and ice problem resolved.

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