3 Tips To Keep Your Printer Support Intact
There are times where your simplest requirement of getting a print out from your printer support gets distorted. The issue may very big or it might be very minute but whatever is the case it creates a hindrance in your workflow. Knowing nothing about your printer will leave you with no option other than to take it to the technician who would take a significant amount of time and money to resolve the issue. But, your lack of knowledge about printer support can be an advantage of the technician and one may charge unreasonable rates for simplest of the issue. So, here is a small checklist that you can perform before handing your printer to the technician.
Faulty Cables/ Ports:
There are times when your cables might not be in place or if they are then the printer port or LPT port might be not functioning that could be a possible reason for discrepancy in your printers.
Defective Printer Driver:
Any printer needs a driver to install it and get it into functioning. Different printers require different driver software to make it operational. A wrong driver or a defective one might create issues in your printing process. Do ensure the driver is right. One may download the latest driver from the Internet by considering the particular specification of the printer support an individual is using.
Dry Ink:
When you don't use your printer for a longer period then the ink gets dry in the cartridge, which calls for a cartridge replacement. Always ensure that your cartridge does not get dried up.
If the cable, driver, ports, cartridge, paper tray, paper orientation all are in the form they should be and still the printer is not working in the desired manner then it is essential that one should consult the manual first. Sometimes, the manuals answer even slightest of doubts in an effective manner. After consulting the manual, if one believes the issue cannot be resolved then ultimately one has to consult a technician.
It is always beneficial to be vigilant about the support system one is using for executing different tasks and the above-mentioned tips might help you in saving your time and money in a significant manner.