Novice in figures but experienced in working- Axis Mutual Fund
There are a lot of examples where we can see newcomers overshadowing the achievements of well-established players. Blaise Pascal is among one of them, who commenced the computations for creating a calculating tool which is still being used in the modern computers. The earliest form of a calculator was invented by Pascal to ease out the intricate compilations of his father, who was a tax collector. He gave shape to the calculator and made it capable of adding and subtracting even before he attained the age of 19. The achievements signify that age or the time span is no benchmark of success.
Following the suit Axis Mutual Fund has proved itself to be one of the most promising upcoming investment companies. Incorporated in the year 2009, the company has made prolific progress by alluring clients towards investment. The ever increasing clientele base has not affected the quality of the service it provides. The clients prefer this newly established company over other traditional players because of the unique strategies followed by Axis Mutual Fund.
Axis Mutual Fund motivates its customers for following a long-term investment perspective for their investments. The company believes in the concept of having the ocean of money by accumulating every penny. Birla Sunlife Mutual Fund follows the idea of "A penny saved is a penny earned while a penny invested is a penny multiplied". Utilizing the power of compounding through penny-pinching is the best method which would benefit the clients more. The basic concept of a mutual fund is to provide better returns over a prolonged duration. Hence, Axis MF is one of those companies which follow the actual spirit of mutual funds and does not concentrate on profit making solely.
Client is no doubt the epicenter of any business firm. Every businessman believes that the customer is his King. But, it is often seen that to make a profit the customers are fooled. A lot of mutual funds companies are not concerned about the hard-earned money of clients, all they aspire is to maximize their personal gains and in order to do so, they take up paths which provide unfruitful for the clients and in turn damage the goodwill of company over the years. Axis mutual fund is very transparent in its working and does not move a step further without intimating the client and receiving his/her acknowledgment.
A new concept has been introduced in businesses viz, after sales service. Earlier, the after sales service was restricted to a few industries like electronics and automobiles. But, now the concept has been spread to almost every field. There are separate customer care units to resolve the queries of the clients. In the same way, the clients aspire for after sales service in the investment industry. Axis Mutual Fund as become one of the leading mutual fund companies to provide the best after sales service to its clients. Employees are on their toes to make the investors feel at ease without feeling alienated. They are considered as the part of the Axis mutual fund family. Whether it may be the reminder of renewal or intimation for any newly launched policy, the clients are always provided with the necessary information.
There is a unique pattern followed by Axis Mutual Fund by segregating the investors according to age group. This means suggesting different plans for people falling under varying age groups. For example, the beginners in the investment industry (age group 20-30) are advised to park their money in aggressive schemes like Axis Small Cap Fund - Regular Plan (G). The new blood is enthusiastic and has the capability to work and achieve new heights with each passing day. For the people who are above 30 years of age and bank, a taxable income requires tax saving schemes. Axis Long-Term Equity Plan is an equity linked saving scheme, which serves as one of the best tax saving schemes present in the mutual fund industry. But, for the clients who have spent a little more time in thinking have the facility of investing through Axis Focused 25 Fund – Regular Growth. The scheme invests in the top 200 listed companies to cover for the loss that due the delay.
The success story of Axis Mutual Fund is evident from the figures. There are 49 schemes which are at present provided by the company with 13.5 lac active investors present across 75 cities in the country.
Even though Axis mutual fund is new to the investment industry, it is fast growing to be recognized as one of the widely trusted brands amongst the clients.