IT placement company in Miami – can it handle your requirements

Author: Jones Cook

The entire global business community will agree that technology is playing a crucial role in developing not just our professional but personal life too. Information technology is one of the industries that are the driving force of this staggering technology development. IT companies have very specific employment needs and even the slightest delay in getting the right candidate could cost them a fortune. That’s why even big shot IT companies hire only the specialized IT placement companies in Miami.

Sometimes IT recruitment agencies are also referred to as IT sourcers since they can source the manpower requirement of IT companies. This article explores the basic characteristics any professional IT employment agency should possess.


Since the globalization IT industry has truly become a globally local industry. Today even a small firm will have several arms its operations scattered all over the world. so the first thing you should ask the IT staffing company in Miami under consideration; whether it has provided service for global locations to a similar type of company before. I wouldn’t hire a company that lacks the experience of landing clients suitable and experienced enough to work in international environment.

Experience of the individual recruiters called IT sourcers also matters a great deal. If the recruiter himself belongs to industry other than IT then he is not likely to understand and address your requirements. The point is not hesitating to ask the company reps to provide the details of their staff in relation with their individual and combined experience. Secondly their staff should be conversant with latest technology and trends in IT industry since veterans not familiar with latest developments are likely to provide with wrong candidate.

Business model

There are different types of IT firms ranging from core R&D to companies handling servicing and operations for giant MNCs. Each of these have a different business model and they would like to hire candidates who will either be able to adapt with their business model or are already familiar with it. The IT sourcer you are going to hire should be familiar with your work model only then they will be able to handle your requirements.

Recruitment process

Like all other businesses each IT placement company in Miami will have devised its own recruitment method. Their in-house recruitment process will determine the quality of candidates they screen for interview. Ask them how do they select candidates for interview? Usually recruiters either use the keywords provided by clients or skim the keywords off the resumes themselves, then speak with the shortlisted candidates on phone or Skype with them before calling them for interview. Although this is a standard process a lot changes with the approach of the IT sourcer who is implementing this process.

Fees and replacement policy

Whether it is IT recruitment or any other recruitment professional any professional placement company in Miami will provide at least a week’s replacement guarantee for the candidates hired through them. However make sure to discuss with your recruiter their guarantee and replacement policy in detail before hiring them.

Most of the staffing agency in Miami will work on performance basis besides charging a small service fee. It will charge you some basic fee and then major chunk of the fees will be paid on basis of number of candidates you have hired and the compensation offered to them.

In short

The key is to stay away from companies using cheap methods to deliver quicker but non reliable results. Work only with the companies that will provide reliable results in due course of time.