Custom Light Box System - Amazing Advertising Method

Author: Christian Morgan

The world of advertising today is changing with the emergence of dynamic advertising components such as the lightbox system. Lightboxes are now retailers’ best form of cost-effective advertising that could benefit small to large businesses. These lightbox systems are very powerful in attracting the right audiences to the brand or company for more sales and publicity.

Advertising with Lightboxes

A light box could be a dynamic marketing tool if the business owner or marketer knows how to manipulate it effectively. There are customized text and images in various colors to attract the attention of targeted niche markets. These custom lightbox systems are readily found in places that have high traffic such as shopping malls, public transportation stations and airports.

A typical light box comprises a LED display in a box structure which could be easily hung on the wall or simple structure outside the store or roadside to attract passers-by attention. Lightboxes could come in various shapes and sizes although the rectangular shape is quite a favorite with different sizes to fit the different budgets and business purposes.

A small rectangular lightbox system is sufficient to promote the current offers using text display while big rectangular screen lighboxes could display images as well as text and sound. The latter are designed on a larger scale to captivate audience with appealing images in various colors and sounds at the background.

These light boxes are highly effective as appealing displays which could be used in various applications besides business advertising.

Dynamic Applications

A light box could be designed specially to accommodate the specific purposes both personal and commercial. Home designers have become creative and innovative with light box display to showcase various home designs that constitute the dream homes of many individuals.

These lightboxes could be made of fabric for a better screening of contents; a fabric light box is very effective to produce a clearer display that is stunning with a clear vision from a distance.

The design is dynamic via the latest technologies where a piece of durable fabric is applied to act as a screen for displaying the images and text. It acts similarly to the home-theatre sense surround system which gives a good punch on viewers especially if a proper sound system is attached together. But such lightbox systems work well without sound in cases where there may be a seminar, presentation or other more important audio displays happening.

A custom lightbox could come in a nicely etched wooden frame surrounding the LED box to generate an illuminated frame in dark places. Normally, these showcase exquisite artwork on the walls. Such lightboxes could also act as a night light in a room with an adjustable brightness to help with the user’s vision at night.