Timely diagnose helps get right spondylolisthesis treatment

Author: Deepa Dhingra

Degenerative spondylolisthesis in Latin means "slipped vertebral body". It is diagnosed by doctors when one vertebra slips forward over the one beneath it. There are many people who suffer from the condition and very well know how difficult it can be to live with it. the condition occurs as a result of aging in which the ligaments, joints and bones in spine turn weak and are not even able to hold the spinal column in alignment. Of all types of Spondylolisthesis, degenerative spondylolisthesis is common among people above 50 years of age. And, it is all the more common in those who are older than 65 years of age. Women suffer from it more than their counterpart. Timely Spondylolisthesis Treatment is important to maintain healthy life.

This kind of Spondylolisthesis occurs at either of the two level of the lumbar spine:

  • The L3-L4 level
  • The L4-L5 level of the lower spine which is the most common location

It rarely occurs at any other level of the spine; however, it might occur at one or more than two or three levels simultaneously. While it is not as common as lumbar spondylolisthesis, cervical spondylolisthesis which occurs in the neck can also affect you. the condition of the patient varies and timely diagnose and treatment can improve condition further preventing it from deteriorating.

Causes of degenerative spondylolisthesis

Each level of the human spine is composed of paired facet joints in the back and a disc in the front. The disc has an important role to play because it works as a shock absorber in between the vertebrae while paired facet joints restrain movement. They both together allow the spine to bend backwards that is extension and forward that is flexion. However, they do not allow spine to rotate. As and when person ages, both discs and facet joints get affected and become incompetent.


It is important for you to consult orthopedic surgeon or spine specialist as soon as you start experiencing pain or movement issues in your spine. Doctors diagnose the problem through the process mentioned below:

Medical history – To begin with, spine specialist will review the symptoms of the patient, and identify what worse and improves the pain.

Physical examination – In next step, they examine patient for physical symptoms triggering the pain. Some of these symptoms include weakness in muscle, flexibility, neurological symptoms or range of motion.

Diagnostic investigations and tests –If spondylolisthesis is diagnosed after physical examination or medical history, an X-ray or MRI may be performed for ruling other causes of the symptoms or confirming spondylolisthesis.

Once the condition is confirmed, doctor will initiate the treatment so that patient can feel better. As far as treatment approach is considered, it varies from patient to patient. However, it is important for you to know that the surgery is last resort \in disc diseases treatment. It is recommended only when patient shows no sign of changes and improvements with medication, injections, physical exercise and therapies and lifestyle modifications.