Best Ways to Get Rid of Termites

Author: Ryan Davis

Protecting home with insects is the most tedious task for you. Ants, termites, cockroaches, and rats are the main destroyers of the household products and foodstuffs. Termites are the most dangerous insects that damage the wood material of your home. Termites live in colonies and are of 5 different types. The tiny insects feed on cellulose that gives them chance to feed on wooden materials. Termites tear away the cellulose material and eat it. Following types of termites are found in a home:

  1. Formosan Termites
  2. Drywood termites
  3. Conehead termites
  4. Subterranean termites
  5. Dampwood termites

It doesn’t matter where your home is located, termite can happen anywhere. You can recognize the presence of termite with following signs:

  • Cracked Bubble: Termites used to feed on the interior structure of material. They reach the surface that starts to bubble the paint and crack it.

How to Kill Termites

Before killing these tiny termites, it is important to remove food resource from the house. Remove wood, paper debris, and lumber near the home otherwise, termites will make their colony in them. Regular inspection is necessary to remove termites from home.

Following are some methods to get rid of termites from home:
  • One should install barrier around the home. One can add a waterproof membrane along with the foundation on the walls.
  • While adding the waterproof membrane, make sure the installer is made of sand as it slow down the termite flow. It is an effective method to get rid of termites. Nematodes and fungi also reduce down the colony of termites.
  • Chemical solutions can be applied to the colony of termites reduce the count of termites.
  • Liquid pesticides that are chemically formulated can be applied to termite colonies.
Termite Removals

One can go for termite inspection, Melbourne. The termite removals have a proficient team that gets rid of termite colonies from your home. The advantage of hiring termite removal services is that their advanced cleaning products permanently remove termites from your home. You don’t need to panic about tiny colonies everywhere in your home. In spite of using microwave and sunlight technique that needs much effort; go for insect removal services as they remove the termites without involving many efforts.