Pediatrician’s Note: Dental Hygiene for Kids

Author: Jacob Martin

Dentists are for adults is a big myth. Normally, parents think that their toddlers do not need any dental hygiene or a visit to the pediatric dentist as they have just milk teeth. But, it is the biggest myth amongst the parents, which needs to be busted. Toddlers are very delicate and sensitive; they are receptive to everything and are growing rapidly. The changes happening in their body needs to be regularly monitored and it is always advisable to visit a kids dentist Beaverton, OR.

In Beaverton OR Kids dentist is recommended by the pediatrician when the child starts growing milk teeth and is considered wise to get the check up done within first 6 months of tooth development. The major reason behind this is:

The development of milk teeth can tell a lot about the health of the child. Whether the child is fed properly; whether he is getting proper nutrients; what is the condition of his gums, etc.

By checking the milk teeth one can also know the position of permanent teeth and in case the child is getting inadequate amounts of fluoride which is essential for tooth development.

One can also understand how to teach kids dental hygiene and what kind of toothbrush and paste to be used on their delicate teeth and gums.

It also helps to detect the cavity in the teeth and the causes of cavities. Early detection of cavity helps in treating them easily with medication, rather than removing the teeth altogether.

Dental hygiene in kids is a serious issue as kids these days are addicted to junk food and drinking carbonated drinks. The excessive consumption of carbonated drinks might lead to damage to their teeth and gums leading to cavities. The Tualantin OR pediatric dentist are well trained to treat the kids with dental issues and teach them lessons on dental hygiene. The dentists in Tuantantin are well aware of the anxiety and fear of children while their dental visits, and they ensure that children feel comfortable. They use laughing gas to make the children smile through the pain and laugh away tears in case of any grave dental issue which needs to be taken care immediately. Some of the guidelines often mentioned by the pediatritic dentists are:

Less intake if sugary syrups and junk food as it leads to an accumulation of bacteria that leads to tooth cavity.

Normally, people wait for the child to turn one or two before starting his dental hygiene. But dentist recommends that parents should start brushing their toddler’s milk teeth with gentle bristles so that there is no formation of cavity or bleeding gums due to bacterial infection.

Regular visits to the dentist after emerging of milk teeth in order to keep the teeth clean.

To help the infant from sucking their thumb which can be a problem in a longer run.

For More Information:- pediatric dentist portland or