How Professional Companies differ from Traditional Businesses

Author: P Vijay Kumar

We all know, how important it is for everyone to work in a professional company if we want to be successful in our career. Professionalism is one of the aspects that separate successful business from the others. The cultural norms in the professional business is entirely different from traditional ones, from behavioral aspects of each employee to serving the clients with the specific needs. Unlike regular businesses, professional companies basically focus on providing specialist support to other businesses or clients and offers customized & knowledge base services, irrespective of their size and sector. There are many internal and external factors that influence each other and work together to affect the growth of a professional service firm. Professional companies build a shared sense of the meaning in their business and work towards achieving it, while traditional businesses do not care about the vision, values and beliefs that convey the brand.

Number of people joining the workforce

Working in professional services is entirely different from other kind of businesses. Professional companies often prefer employees with well-known expertise as most of their businesses focus on supporting and improving the clients business. Sometimes, it becomes hard to find the exact match that companies need, especially with the rapid change in the technology, as skills that were more relevant three years back are outdated now. Hence, even the work force unable to catch up with the latest technology, are compromising themselves to the regular companies where the job expectations are less when compared to professional businesses. Additionally, some of the employees who are talented prefer only the big brand corporate names rather than small and medium professional firms, irrespective of the nature of the work they will be executing in the big companies.

Changing face of working environment – employees unwilling to work in old generation type office

With the increasing growth of technology and globalization of organizations, there is a big transformation in the workforce expectations i.e. employees are becoming more particular about when and where to work. The environment where the person works clearly defines the type of work. Professional employees or knowledge workers always prefer to work in places where there is a right fit for their professionalism. While many professional organizations aim at creating the most convenient productive and rewarding working environment possible for the employees, some traditional firms still maintain the old generation type offices. A professional worker will never feel comfortable working in traditional businesses that are not driven by the modern innovative methods.

Govt. encouraging entrepreneurship

We all know that innovation in small and medium professional firms is more effective because they have more flexibility in implementing the ideas than the larger firms. In order to drive the creation of innovation, government is supporting entrepreneurship and encouraging many start-ups in small and medium enterprise. However, as business development is not a single stage process, which includes start-up, emerging growth and expansion, there is a need to reinforce proper measures to scale up the policies that support the financial commitments at every stage of growth opportunity.

Future bright for professionally run small businesses

Unlike larger companies, small professional businesses are becoming more successful in developing new commercially viable strategies, that are specific to the needs of their customers. With the adoption of new technologies, these businesses are able to distinguish themselves by high-end innovative approach and successful frameworks serving the needs of customers with customized solutions. It is easy for professional SMEs to efficiently integrate various systems across their business and overcome the financial challenges and market imperfections, whereas larger companies find it difficult to cope up with these type of tough business situations. Hence, there is a remarkable growth in SMEs every year and they are playing significant role in the nation’s economic growth and employment creation.

Environment not conducing for professionalism

Some people misunderstand the word professionalism and relate the concept to the way of dressing to the work place. Professionalism is actually the level of competence or knowledge that the person exhibits in executing the work. Being professional is not a thing that is taught by others, but that has to come from inside through the combination of observation and self-realization. There are many attributes that are linked with a professional act rather than just following the right dress code and conduct. Of course, people rarely see professional environment in traditional businesses, because it is not viable for them to strictly follow professional values. However, even some of the companies that define themselves as professional service providers are giving less importance to the professional approach of working, because they just focus on acquiring projects or earning money rather than doing real value-addition to the clients. is a website about Small and Medium Entity Promotion in Hyderabad that contains exclusive articles, webinars, white papers & latest industrial updates to support and guide professional SMEs run their businesses successfully. We are thankful to professional SMEs like Marvist for helping in developing content to spread the awareness.