How to choose the right hose for oil applications?

Author: Punit Mehta

With the help of technology, different kinds of oils are available for different applications. Many companies have been manufacturing and transferring oil of various varieties including cooking oil, engine oil, plant oil, edible oil, etc. Special attention is to be paid while selecting the hose for transferring it. Before looking for oil hose manufacturers, a company should remember these two points:

Select the right hose

Ensure that it fits properly and is used efficiently

Choosing the hose according to the application

There is no such option as one size fits all in hoses. A hose should be chosen depending on the application. Thus, certain points need to be consider in all the hoses:

Material being transferred

Materials - different in viscosity, alkalinity, acidity and many other properties, are transferred through pipes/hoses in different external conditions. Depending on these properties of the material being transferred, a specific hose is chosen so that no reactions taken place.

Specifications of the hose

Oil is transferred through hoses at different pressures. Depending on these requirements, internal and external diameter of the hoses is selected. This leads to choosing a hose that can withstand high pressure of the liquid being transferred through it.

Temperature of oil transferred

Oils go through different processes to be made suitable for a particular application. Thus, temperature of oil varies at different times in the processes. Knowledge of exact or a range of temperature of the oil is necessary to choose the hose. If the right match is not found, the hose will incur immediate damages or erode away slowly.

Terrain of transfer

Offshore oil and gas companies use hoses to extract oil from the bed of sea and transport it to various locations. Different hoses are used for underwater and on-earth transfer. Underwater hoses will have to bear the high pressure. On-earth hoses will have to withstand the wear and tear caused by rough terrain.

Length of transfer

Oil transfer can be done within an automobile, a factory or over a huge area. The total distance for transfer should be recorded because length of the hose also plays an important role in determining the type of material to be used in the manufacturing of hose. It is easier to make rubber hose for long distances as compared to metal pipes. Cost of the material for hose is also an important factor when deciding on the length of hose.

Thus, while deciding a type of hose for a particular application, the above points should be kept in mind. After deciding on these, one can start looking for oil hose manufacturers and select the one that suits the business and application requirements.

After getting the best hose for business application, businesses should follow the guidelines on management of hoses. Proper management and maintenance can lead to longer lives of the hoses. This will eliminate the cost of frequently changing hoses due to abrasion or other accidents.

For details regarding the oil and gas field, one can refer the OMICS International website.

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