The Ministry Of God To Make Lives Of Humans Better

Author: Jason Demars

Almost whole population of world believes in God. Everyone has given names to God according to their own religion. Some call him Allah, some call him Jesus, some call him Krishna and some call him Guru Nanak Dev. But for God we all are equal, we all are his children. He has plans for all and gives everyone the best they deserve. God is omniscient i.e. he is everywhere. God has everything managed related to his creation i.e. the nature and mankind. Every religion has its holy book like Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Holy Bible, etc. These books have the words of God written in them, which is just for humanity. God has given his words to the priests, so as to make them convey everything to the human race. The Truth of God Ministry has been revealed as a fourfold purpose of leading a church.

The first objective or purpose is the preaching of gospel to the humans so as to make them get more close to the God. This also aims at spreading as much knowledge as possible to the human beings about the ideas as well as beliefs of God. This also aims to make people to accept Christianity with whole heart and have faith in God. The second objective states how human beings should worship God.

Worshipping God means to communicate with God with the help of peace of heart & total dedication towards God. This method is used by people all around the world & they perform rituals with total faith. There are large numbers of ways of worshipping God, depends upon every religion’s beliefs. People have their own beliefs, some worship so as to achieve inner peace and some to stay close to God always as his children. People may read sacred books, sings sacred songs or pray in heart, according to their beliefs of praying.

The third objective states that a group of Saints should be formed which should perfectly depict the image of God himself. These Saints should live life in such a way that they actually represent the way God would have lived on the earth. These Saints are to spread word of God to human beings so that the humans can come actually close to God. These Saints are really having the most important responsibility as they have to take care of endless number of things. These Saints are the holy people who are on earth for a purpose i.e. for welfare of mankind.

The Fourth and the last purpose, is to meet the human needs with the help of ministries of love and compassion. This aims at introducing the people who are lost mentally, to Jesus Christ. This also aims to dedicate all the Glory or praises achieved by the ministry for its kind works. This also aims to make sure that everyone stays good internally and spread love, peace all around the world. Thus, all these truths reveal and motivate everyone to have faith in God. Thus, one should follow these so as to stay happy in their life.