Haryana Solar Policy 2016
Recently Haryana has released its new Solar Policy dated 3 March 2016 effective from the date of notification.The policy promotes both Ground mounted and Solar Rooftop installations. The Solar Purchase Obligation is also hiked to 3% by 2021-22, which may further increase to 8% under the ambitious plans of MNRE to promote Solar Generation by adding 100 thousand MW of Solar Power Nationwide, This would mean the installed capacity in Haryana would rise up to 3200 MW.(1) The Policy promotes development of Solar Parks through a joint Venture company has been formed by HSIIDC and HPGCL named "Saur Urja Nigam Haryana Limited" (SUN Haryana)(2) The Government of Haryana will also facilitate the lease/sub-lease of Panchayat land through SUN Haryana (Saur Urja Nigam Haryana) or directly for setting up of Solar Power Projects for minimum period of 30 years.(3)To harness the solar potential in the state the State Government shall provide Capital /generation subsidy/ incentives to Schools, Private and Public Institutes hospitals and commercial buildings for installation of rooftop solar power plants.(4) A total capacity of 1600 MW rooftop solar power plants shall be added by the Year 2021-22.(5) All new projects of MW scale generating solar energy will be treated as "Industry" in terms of Industrial Policy of the State. Thus all the incentives available to industrial units under the industrial policy from time to time, shall also be available to the solar power producers/units(6) Also the Solar Policy provides exemptions like Land use approval, External Development Charges, scrutiny fee and infrastructure development charges also Environment Clearance, Clearance from Forest Department, Stamp Duty for lease of land for projectsHowever the most progressive aspect of the solar policy is the Exemption on Electricity Duty Electricity Taxes & Cess, Wheeling, Transmission & distribution, cross subsidy charges, surcharges and Reactive Power Charges will be totally waived off for Ground mounted and Roof Top Solar Power Projects in the state of Haryana.
BankingThe banking facility shall be allowed for a period of one year by the Licensee Utilities and IPP will pay the difference of UnscheduledInterchange charges (UI Charges) at the time of injection and at the time of withdrawal. However, Withdrawal of banked power should not beallowed during peak and Time of Day (TOD) hours. If the banked energy is not utilized within a period of twelveMonths from the date of power banked with the concerned power utilities/Licensee, it will automatically lapse and no charges shall be paid inlieu of such Power. The banking facility shall be allowed for the grid connected rooftop solar power Projects on the same pattern as per MWscale projects.