New policies will abolish automatic residency for the migrant workers in UK

Author: Fusco Immigration

Immigration laws have always been complex and fraught with changes and amendments. Getting approved the visitor visa for UK can prove to be a pain in neck if you are not aware of the processes or take them lightly. Securing an approved visitor visa for the UK does not just rely in satisfying all the documentary requirements, rather it even involves several other important factors.

Amongst the rounds of new laws and policies making their presence felt at the UK immigration scene, there is one more update for the Non European nationals. Non-European nationals looking to move to the UK are now required to use the new UK Visas and Nationality Service provided by NARIC in order to check that they are eligible to apply for a UK visa. The changes are done with an aim to bring down the immigration statistics.

New rules: a blow to permanent residency dreams of many immigrants

The changes will mean that skilled migrant workers coming to the UK under Tier 2 of the points-based system will no longer be able to settle in the UK simply based on the amount of time they have spent in the UK. Until now, migrant workers on work permits or domestic worker visas have come to expect that they could apply for permanent residence (indefinite leave to remain) after 5 years, and for British Citizenship a year later.

Migrants doing jobs which are on the shortage occupations list, and scientists and researchers in PhD-level roles, will be exempt from the £35,000 threshold. Temporary permission to enter and remain in the UK will be capped at 6 years, to reinforce the temporary nature of Tier 2.

The government intends to:

  • Continue to provide a direct route to settlement for investors, entrepreneurs and exceptionally talented migrants under Tier 1.

  • Continue to provide a route to settlement for the best Tier 2 migrants, if they meet a minimum salary threshold of £35,000.

  • Allow those who enter as PhD-level scientists and researchers to qualify for settlement without having to meet the £35,000 minimum salary threshold.

  • Make all workers in shortage occupation jobs (currently including specialist nurses, teachers and social workers) exempt from the minimum settlement salary threshold of £35,000;

  • Allow Tier 2 migrants to extend their temporary permission to stay in the UK up to maximum of 6 years, and introduce a 12-month ‘cooling off’ period;

  • Retain a route for overseas domestic workers in private households, but only when accompanying a visitor and limited to 6 months’ stay with no right to change employer;

  • Retain the current route of entry for private servants in diplomatic households under Tier 5 (Temporary worker – International agreement), with a maximum stay of 5 years and no ability to change employer or to settle.

Although the rules have undergone a severe scrutiny in an attempt to scale down the net immigration, the country is still full of opportunities for the qualified and best brains there. Also people can consider taking up employment in the country and upgrade their career graph. Amidst all these political and legal upheaval, immigration consultants are the ones which have the necessary skills and expertise to tackle the situation professionally and provide the much needed guidance.