Have you started looking for Translation Companies?

Author: Shreya Gupta

When globalization happened, opportunities emerged fiercely and rampantly. But so did the many challenges accompanying this new wave. Now with technology, new trade pacts, new World Trade Agreements and fresh political bonds between different countries, many companies found themselves, suddenly and surprisingly, standing amidst a plethora of new and unforeseen forces.

Some of these forces were good and hinted of new markets and profit pockets. And some of these forces were flanked with problems and pitfalls of their own kind.

Yes, it is right that when globalization opened frontiers of a vast new world and fresh markets, most brands and businesses had a new playground to jump around. Yet, the game could quickly turn into a lost bet if the right investments were not made to tap gains at the right time.

The companies who made the right choices invested in new resources, new skill-sets, new product development and of course localization. The successful and wise companies also took cognizance of translation issues here, at the precise juncture of new opportunities.

Such organizations knew that translation may not pop right into the radar and would definitely not be spotlight candidate but that does not mean that it is not paid attention to.

They knew that as much as it was a time to chase new pastures, one could not ignore the landmines that dotted them. Translation companies were a key solution to averting the many dangers of missing on translation and localization strategies when wooing a new market.

These translation solutions equipped the organization with the right language and the apt approach to communicating with a new market. New customers came with their language preferences, quirks, nuances and customization factors. Global translation services covered a wide gamut of these needs. Smart organizations, which invested in translation at the right time, started reaping the benefits soon enough.

For one, they were free of costly errors that other players might be making when offending their new customers with the wrong language or missing out due to miscommunication.

Secondly, paying attention to translation endowed them with a marketing edge and a proactive way of understanding customers. They could also come in with new propositions and tailor-made products thanks to a good grip on the new market. They could, in parallel, avoid any legal, compliance, regulatory or documentation snags that non-translation-savvy companies faced from time to time.

Today the results of translation and localization are quite obvious. Many mobile apps have seen a 7 to 10 times increase in the mobile downloads after their apps were translated. Websites have seen exponential growth in traffic and conversion after translation. Customer sentiments have turned positive after labeling, marking and marketing message were done in local language.

Translation was and will continue to be a big asset for anyone surfing the wave of globalization. It is not just a tourist guide of yesteryears but something that bestows a completely unprecedented strength to understanding, approaching, and communicating with new markets.

Businesses that have caught the strategic contours of translation well, continue to surpass those who still think translation is something waiting on the sidelines, for a time when you have extra resources or money to spare. You can misunderstand translation and miss the wagon or do what smart brands do – jump on it.