Kaizen Management Coordination Online Courses for a Better Lean System

Author: John Robert

Kaizen – One of the most mysterious terms you learn in the beginning of your Lean implementation. You know from the material that it is a Japanese word that means ‘to change for the better’, but you get the feeling that it is something more than that.

After all, everyone wants to ‘change for the better’, or at least thinks that they do, depending on what you mean by change.

And that is where Kaizen gets to be a bit scary for some people, especially before they realize just how much of a business lifesaver the Kaizen philosophy can be.

Why Constant Improvement?

Despite the fact that the world, life and the nature of things are constantly changing, we as people are often reluctant to embrace or even acknowledge that change. We want to settle back and reap the benefits of our last effort at improvement. But here comes our Lean consultant who says we need to be constantly on the lookout for ways we can make our already improved way of doing things better.

A Sports Analogy:

Consider your business as a football team, and your first Lean imitative as the new playbook. You’ve grown tired of not performing as well as you know you can, so you have invested time, effort and money in a new strategy which the team has practiced in refined until you are ready for the season to begin.

And when it does begin, you start doing better and start winning games.

You know that you will not be making any big changes to the play book until the season is over. But in order to keep winning games, each player, each coach, each manager needs to be on the lookout for little things that could be holding down the score. Kaizen is much the same.

The Learning Management System

Continuing education is a key element in a successful Lean operation and is required for maintaining the spirit of Kaizen as well. After all, learning is a fundamental part of improvement. There is a Learning Management System for Lean & Kaizen course from Uttana that can help you to maintain your successes.

Kaizen Online Courses:

Kaizen is not just a fundamental Lean philosophy, but it represents a specific set of actions that are important for keeping your lean systems running. Sometimes change is required to react to something new in your environment, but to be successful in the long term, change must be deliberate and strategic as well.

That means that on a regular basis, you must be looking for new ways to implement Lean in your operation. Fortunately, the Uttana has Kaizen Management Coordination Online Courses that can help you do just that.

  • The Lean Committee: This is a team who acts as a steering committee for major Lean initiatives. Their job is to Review the results of the previous initiative, target the next area to be made Lean, and plan a Kaizen event to help kick off the process.
  • Kaizen Event Charter and Tracking: In this course you will plan a Kaizen event which will involve most or all of your staff. At the event, you will present an evaluation of your previous Lean initiative, receive and acknowledge feedback from the workforce, and introduce the next Lean initiative

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