Gynecomastia Surgery in NYC - How to Prepare for the Procedure

Author: Carl White

Gynecomastia refers to the excessive buildup of fat, skin and glandular tissue in the male chest area. For most men, the condition is more of an emotional concern than a physical problem. Gynecomastia surgery in an established NYC practice helps men to effectively address the condition and improve their manly physique. A successful procedure can enhance their physical appeal and boost their confidence level. Good preparation before undergoing the procedure can contribute a lot to the ultimate outcome of the surgery.

Gynecomastia Treatment for Men - The Process

The surgeons use advanced FDA-approved liposuction techniques such as Smartlipo Triplex to perform the male breast reduction surgery. Whether due to hormonal changes, use of certain drugs, heredity, obesity, or Gilbert’s syndrome caused the condition, effective treatment can help achieve or restore a manly physique. This minimally invasive procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and involves less swelling and bleeding and recovery time than conventional surgery. The workstation blends the power of three laser wavelengths to rapidly dissolve fat, coagulate tissue, and tighten the surrounding skin. The surgeon can use the intelligent delivery systems of the device to ensure more targeted delivery of energy and avoid risks of overtreatment.

How to Prepare for the Procedure?

The first thing you have to do is to find the right surgeon in NYC to perform the treatment. A reliable surgeon will perform the necessary tests to know if you are fit for the treatment. Once the procedure is scheduled, you need to follow all the instructions that the surgeon give you to prepare well for the surgery. Here are a few tips that could help in the preparation phase of the treatment.

>> Any medication you take two weeks before and after the surgery should be discussed with the surgeon.

>> It is best to avoid smoking at least four weeks before the treatment.

>> To avoid the risk of permanent scarring, avoid sunbathing for at least two weeks prior to the procedure.

>> Stay hydrated before and after the surgery for a smoother recovery.

>> Activities such as chest hair removal are best avoided two weeks prior to the procedure.

>> It would be a good idea to take time off from work at least one to two weeks post the procedure - this can, of course, vary with the nature of your job.

>> Make your home post-operative ready. You should keep everything handy; buy important things for two weeks and more.

>> Purchase the necessary surgical chest compression garment in advance so that you can wear it as recommended.

Choose the Right Plastic Surgeon in NYC

If you are planning to have gynecomastia treatment in NYC, make an effort to find the right surgeon who is skilled, experienced and specialized in the treatment. Only such a surgeon will be able to provide individualized treatment, safe procedures, and an optimal outcome.