Ways to Beat Morning Sickness That Actually Work

Author: Dr Scott Pendergraft

Summary: Morning sickness is a frustrating as well as troublesome problem. Here are some tips to deal with morning sickness easily.

Morning sickness is in our biology for good reasons as well. It is obvious that we all are more obsessed with what troubles it brings upon us but there benefits as well. Morning sickness exists in our biology to avoid any kind of danger caused to baby due to food borne diseases. It wends out any complex food items from a mother’s system that can harm the baby. Another benefit is morning sickness is an indicator of well functioning HCG or human chorionic gonadotrophin and estrogen. This means women with morning sickness are at less risk of miscarriages.

Sweet talks are fine but it can be really cumbersome to keep puking for months. Read on to know how you can beat morning sickness easily.

  1. Start eating regularly at equal intervals of 2 hours. This way you will avoid queasy feeling that causes vomiting due to empty stomach. However keep in mind not to over eat as overeating will backfire.
  2. Plain crackers are a great help in crushing morning sickness feeling in the morning. Take a couple of crackers and chew before stepping out of bed every morning.
  3. Avoid strong smelling foods as they stimulate vomit feeling. Cold foods like fruit, yogurt, salads and cold soup are the best. Many women feel that eating cold food doesn’t provide the necessary nutrition for the growing baby. Worry not, if you were eating healthy preconception then your body will have enough reserved nutrition to nurture the baby. Drinking enough water is also a necessity. Add fruits and flavors if clean water makes you feel pukey.
  4. Discover what agents trigger nausea feeling in you. Try all kinds of food items you suspect is causing the problem-tuna, salad, coffee, egg, etc.
  5. Go for monthly acupuncture sessions as they help reduce stress and maintain body energy. Also these sessions ease body pain and aches.
  6. Make sure you are resting enough. Tiredness is going to make the condition of morning sickness worse. Therefore if you are commuting or driving take a few minutes of break closing your eyes. Also avoid stress at all levels. Nausea feelings are exaggerated if you are stressed. There are many apps available for to be moms that work well for busting stress.
  7. If you are suddenly hit by a nausea feeling try calming your sense. Gently block one nostril and use the other one for exhalation and inhalation for 10 seconds. Repeat with other nostril. Ginger is great at killing that nausea feeling. You can use ginger tea or ginger tablets.
  8. Do not eat too spicy, fried or fatty food. This will disturb your digestive system leading to burping. Use digestive enzymes if you burp a lot after eating.
  9. Your clothing needs adjustment. Do not wear too tight pants as this will make morning sickness problems worse.

If all of these tricks fail, then you need a few days rest away from work and stress. Consult your doctor for more information on morning sickness management.

Florida Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortions, physical examinations, family planning and counseling. Abortion Clinic.