Cinema advertising is here to stay

Author: Khushi Advertising

Liberalisation and globalisation changed the face of the Indian market. There was a huge gush of brands entering the market. Suddenly the market was flooded with a deluge of brands offering similar or dissimilar features. Each of them wanted to grab the potential consumer’s attention first. Each of them was vying for the largest pie in the market share. Obviously, these brands needed good mediums to promote themselves.

At around the same time, with the advancement in technology, Satellite TV made its way into our homes. Marketers started relying heavily on this medium to advertise their products and services. Apart from TV, the other mediums too were used extensively?—?print, radio and outdoor.

However, as the years passed by, marketers started realising that they would have to look for other avenues too apart from just TV or the other traditional mediums. If they did not do this, then they would fade in oblivion in the customer’s mind as the customer was constantly bombarded with a plethora of advertisements on TV, in print, etc. Customers complained that these advertisements were a hindrance in their TV viewing. So, they took the simple way out. They simply flipped channels when the programme went into an ad break. Thus, the whole purpose of inserting ads in breaks started to lose its ground at some level.

This insight was rightly comprehended by expert agencies like Khushi Advertising. We, at Khushi realised that it is getting increasingly difficult to hold the customer’s attention in a medium where he/she is in a commanding position, i.e. they have the remote control and can simply change the channel. Hence, for brands to make the most of their investment in advertisements, Khushi presented the option of cinema advertising to companies. Cinema is a booming industry in India with not just Hindi films but regional films too raking in huge business. Advertising in cinemas is the most lucrative option to catch the attention of customers who are in a relaxed state of mind. The brand leverages the advantages that a big screen and superior sound output offers. Not to forget, the ambience in a multiplex also adds to the overall experience of the cine-goer. Also, here the customer or cinema goer is more receptive to the message in the advertisement as he does not have any other disturbance or interruption around him. Hence, a brand stands a greater chance of being heard and recalled by the customer.

Cinema advertising in India is in its nascent stage. There is huge scope to utilise this medium and enjoy the many advantages that it offers. Increasingly brands are recognising the importance of and are relying on experts like Khushi to give them a comprehensive cinema advertising plan to reach the target audience, delivering maximum impact. With the increase in the number of multiplexes the business of cinema advertising is on the upward swing.Cinema advertising in multiplexes has increased manifold. PVR cinema advertising or Inox cinema advertising has gained great momentum today. With increasing number of people flocking to cinemas,cinema advertising agencies in Mumbai,Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and all from over India are educating brands about the importance of this medium. Offering so many advantages,cinema advertising is definitely here to stay.