Smart and Sustainable Presents

Author: Samantha Pyle

It is so hard to find stylish handmade watches these days. There are plenty of nice watches available at any retail store you go to. However, I’m not looking for just any nice watch. I have gifts to buy and the watches I want need to be super nice. They need to wow other people when they are worn. They need to make a style statement and be a real accessory, not just a way to tell time. The stylish watches should be like nothing you can get at the local big box store. It is time for me to search online for the best handmade watches I can find.

Finding stylish handmade watches has turned out to be a lot of fun. I discover that there is a company that makes exactly what I’m looking for. I need unique gifts and these watches must fit the given criteria. The handmade watches are actually made with wood and leather. I’ve never seen a wooden watch before today. The bands are available in many different colours like blue, red, orange, cream, and black. The watch face is made of wood but could have accent colours like blue, purple, white, or yellow.

I can tell that the designer of these stylish handmade watches has taken great care in what they created. They were meticulous with the wood grains and colour matching. The watch bands are made of leather and that is a great material for watches. There is one for a man or a woman and for either casual wear or dress. The black band with the black face is elegant and executive quality. The watches that I buy for gifts will be the best presents that the recipients have ever received. They will all be delighted to open the wooden boxes that house their very own stylish handmade watches.

While searching online for gifts for my best friends, I discovered stylish handmade watches. These are one of a kind watch that I’ve never seen anywhere else. They are sure to make my friends happy. The watches are environmentally friendly. They are made from sustainable wood products. In addition, the company that makes the watches is very aware of their impact on the planet and they do their part in preserving it. The company offers the opportunity to buy a tree and have it planted to help replenish a forest. This is the best company and they make the best watches.

I decide to order three watches. One watch is going to have an orange band and one is going to be aqua blue. The other watch I get is a black watch with a black face. I just can’t pass up on the elegance of it. In addition, I decide to order a tree that I may never see but I know that every little bit I can do will count. The watches are affordable and will make unforgettable presents.