How To Preserve Baby Girls’ Dresses
Children are among the most treasured possession a mother can have and anything related to them holds great importance in her life. Among the most valued items a mother would wish to preserve are her children dresses and childhood pictures. Despite of knowing the fact that soon her baby will grow older and the frilliest Baby dresses she has bought will no longer required, a mother tries her best to preserve lovely baby frocks, christening gowns and flower girl dresses she has bought. This is because she wishes to preserve these baby dresses for lifetime memories.
If you are among those mothers we are focusing on, here is complete guide on how you can preserve you baby’s dresses. To preserve lovely baby dresses you treasure, either you will need a professional to handles the case or even do it on your own. A simple wrapping of your baby dresses in an acid free tissue paper will do it all! To store make sure you use a container which repels moths as they can ruin a dress completely. Another important factor is having your baby girl dresses like frocks, christening gowns or flower girl dresses professionally cleaned up before you jump into the process of storing. Sometimes dry cleaners pack up dresses in a garment bag or box; this will help you preserve the garment.
It will provide a shield for your children dresses and will enable you to pass them to your daughter on a day when she herself will be a mother. With nicely preserved dresses you will be able to give your daughter a moment to cherish and admire her own baby dresses and make her children wear the same special clothes.
Flower girl dresses specifically lie in the category which can be used time and again, just like prom ones. Preservation becomes easier if simple baby girl dresses are chosen and they can be easily loved and cherished for future generations.
Of course, you can’t preserve every single dress of your little angel and therefore keeping tons of baby girl dresses won’t be wise. But wouldn’t it be wonderful, if we could use the same into a quilt? This way, though for a short time but you will be able to cherish the memories of your sweet pea.
Quilting a dress is quite easy and can be done on your own as well. You can also hire someone to stitch a quilt out of lovely frilled dresses. Though you won’t be able mesmerize the dress as a whole, but will be able to make a lovely reminder of your baby girl!
Whichever way you choose to preserve baby dresses, wither it is storing or making a quilt out of it, you are keeping memories of your sweet pea alive. As the years will pass by, they may not bother about their child hood dresses, fight against you or even want to run away, or change into the most irritating teenager, you will always have a memory to feel happy about your little baby girl.