Andre Hurst – A Real Estate Expert and Founder of Hawaiian Island Regional Center

Author: Kenneth Reynolds

Andre Hurst is a highly experienced, licensed real estate broker based in California. He holds a bachelor degree in science from the University of California at Santa Barbara. He is a dedicated professional who has worked his way up to establish a successful career in the real estate industry. He specializes in real estate sales & renting, and real estate transactions, and also has good understanding of the market dynamics. He has excellent interpersonal, communication, problem solving, negotiation skills, and analytical thinking abilities.

EB-5 Investment Visa provides a green card to the foreign nationals to invest money in the United States. Since the year it was started, it has helped a number of people fulfill their dreams of settling in different parts of America. Many investors have got visa by doing investment in assisted living and skilled nursing facilities, which are becoming popular in the fastest growing areas like Hawaii, California, etc. Andre Dimitri Hurst, a real estate development and healthcare specialist, along with David Wilson and Ben Meeker founded Hawaiian Island Regional Center. It was established in 2008 with the aim of providing people with excellent assisted living and skilled nursing services.

Hawaiian Island Regional Center’s first project was a 100-bed skilled nursing facility, which generated approximately 300 jobs in the City of Hilo. The residents of Hawaii helped them throughout the project. After that, the center’s next project was an assisted living and skilled nursing facility. It was in Maui, and provided 170 beds and memory care services. For this project, they have already acquired the land, and in the EB-5 I-526 approval phase.

In an interview with a news special, Andre Hurst said that assisted living and skilled nursing is beneficial for both economic development and foreign investors. He added, "I get to know about the EB-5 investment visa program approximately 8 years ago, and it provides the opportunity to the foreign investors to get an entry pass to the United States. In the initial years, our main projects were in Hawaii, and gradually, we expanded to California and other neighboring growing regions. As the EB-5 program is constantly changing, but we have kept track of the guidelines as much as possible facing all the challenges confidently."

Andre Dimitri Hurst says that one of their main key values is protecting the investors. They always go for government guarantee loans so that there will not be any problem in re-financing if required.