Gmail technical support
Gmail delivers messages to tabbed inboxes based on complex and changing algorithms that consider subscriber engagement, content, and sender information. Messages from email service providers, like MailChimp, often have a higher chance of being delivered to the Promotions tab.
Unfortunately, MailChimp has no control over the placement of emails in Gmail, and there is no proven way to "beat" Gmail’s algorithms. Only a subscriber can move your emails from the Promotions tab to the Primary tab.
In this article, you’ll learn about Gmail tabs, and what subscribers can do to ensure your campaigns are delivered to their Primary tab.
Benefits of the Promotions TabGmail’s Promotions tab contains marketing emails and promotional offers. When Gmail introduced inbox tabs, many marketers worried that subscribers would overlook mail in the Promotions tab.
Fortunately, studies show that people use the Promotions tab. According toReturnPath’s study of three million Gmail users, the tabs improved deliverability, increased open rates, and decreased spam complaints. Plus, Gmail’s inbox organization doesn’t affect all your Gmail subscribers. Inbox tabs are optional for Gmail users, and many people disable them.
Send Emails to the Primary TabThe only way to improve your campaign’s chances of landing in the Primary tab is to maintain a healthy subscriber list. An engaged subscriber may be willing to make changes in their Gmail account to move your campaigns to the Primary tab.
Encourage your subscribers to take these actions.Unfortunately, MailChimp has no control over the placement of emails in Gmail, and there is no proven way to "beat" Gmail’s algorithms. Only a subscriber can move your emails from the Promotions tab to the Primary tab.
In this article, you’ll learn about Gmail tabs, and what subscribers can do to ensure your campaigns are delivered to their Primary tab.
Add your From email address to their Google Contacts
Emails from a subscriber’s Google Contacts always go to their Primary inbox. In confirmation pages, welcome emails, and campaign content, ask your subscribers to add your From email address to their Google Contacts.
Move your emails to the Primary tab
Subscribers can teach Gmail where to deliver your messages. When a subscriber moves one of your campaigns from the Promotions tab to the Primary tab, Gmail asks whether it should always deliver your campaigns there. If you have engaged subscribers who want your emails to appear in the Primary tab, share these Gmail Help instructions.Unfortunately, MailChimp has no control over the placement of emails in Gmail, and there is no proven way to "beat" Gmail’s algorithms. Only a subscriber can move your emails from the Promotions tab to the Primary tab.
In this article, you’ll learn about Gmail tabs, and what subscribers can do to ensure your campaigns are delivered to their Primary tab.