4 to be served by the hunan steak recipe

Author: Kain Black

The hunan Steak is a sizzling stir fried steak that's been prepared with ingredients such as; Thai, ginger

chillies and garlic. Hunan beef is popular for the lovers of Chinese dishes and is largely cooked in Chinese

Eateries. The dish can nonetheless be customized to fit different individual needs but that demands a home

steak to meet your style. Get extra details about what is hunan beef

To prepare this dish at the comfort of your kitchen; you'll require these ingredients;

  1. A tbs of the shaoxing wine, alternatively, medium-dry sherry would also do well
  2. One tablespoon of light soy sauce
  3. One tablespoon of soy sauce that is dark
  4. A half (1/2) tablespoon salt
  5. A tablespoonful of potato or corn starch
  6. 12 oz of beef steak rather boneless ribs
  7. 2 tablespoons of minced ginger
  8. 13/4 cups of peanut oil

The best way to prepare hunan beef

Because of this hunan steak dish that is classic that is Chinese, you'll need to shallow fry your meat to place the cornstarch

To prepare the marinade sauce and to follow the procedure below;


You are going to need to blend the next salt, 2 tablespoons of dry sherry or wine, potato starch, 1 tbsp of

Soy sauce and 3tbs of water in a bowl to prepare the marinating sauce.

Freeze the steak for around 15 minutes then cutting will be simple - and add to the marinating. Let this sit in room


Prepare the side ingredients well; this will entail cutting ginger, cumin, garlic and the pepper into little

Pieces and in regulated amounts in accordance to your favourite tastes and fashion.


Add the steak and stir for around

three minutes until it is cooked but still uncommon. Remove the steak carefully using a spoon into a plate. Retain

Three tablespoons in the wok for the next procedure


In high temperatures and the oil add your spices together; ginger, cumin, chillies, garlic, chili flakes and briefly stir fry

until they're fragrant. Afterward add you steak to light soy sauce and this concoction and continue stirring, add salt

to flavor.


When your beef begins to sizzle and is aromatic, then add scallion greens and toss. Remove from

heat entirely and stir in sesame oil.

This classic Chinese hunan steak dish is served best with steamed rice and broccoli. It is particular flavor and

This dish is recommended for special occasions like anniversaries, indoor date nights, and birthdays.

First-time cooks with this meal are advised to reduce on the quantity of oil used to ensure this meal stays

For many time cooks,modulate the number of oil to suit your taste.