International Internet-Free Day

Author: Lorene Johnson

On the one hand the Internet is the real helper for nowadays community, but on another one it is the factor, which interferes into our private lives. Every day millions of people start their morning watching the news or mail on the Internet, and some are there almost round the clock. Things that make our lives easier and more interesting cause the dependence on them, and the Internet in nor the exception. No one disputes the fact that the Internet is an important source of information today but with all the benefits of a worldwide network we should not forget about the real world and health.

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There is also special holiday named International Internet-Free Day, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of January every year. The day is designed to remind the inhabitants of the planet that in addition to the virtual, there is also an ordinary life. It will help you to remember how beautiful the real life is. The point of International Internet-Free Day is a small abstaining from the Internet to at least one full day to live in the "real" life. During day every single person should turn off all instant messengers and social networks. Finally you may do all that was postponed for later times. You will have time to walk your dog, go with children to the zoo, play tennis, go camping, read your favorite book, invite your friends and discuss with them interesting stuff, etc. Also you can devote yourself to any hobby that is not related to the World Wide Web.

Besides, the tradition of sending letters and postcards in this and other unusual holidays is becoming more and more popular. Moreover, in many offices on this day people refuse to use official mail and use notes - as long as it did not affect the performance.

The organizers of this special day off want to draw the attention of people, and especially young ones, that there are a lot of interesting and exciting stuff and activities in the real world. But the most surprising is the fact that the founders of the International Internet-Free Day are active Internet users.

So, try to celebrate the International Internet-Free Day and make it the best one in your life!

About the author: Yo, I'm Lorene Johnson, I am a freelance photographer based in Toronto, ON.

When not geeking out over taking pics, I'm likely geeking out over film, pretending to play a guitar and write articles at