Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Use CAD-CAM System Simulations

Author: Dhanshri Patel

CAD/CAM Technology has been used for decades in the manufacturing industries to produce precision tools, parts and automobiles; recently the CAD/CAM Technology and metal-free materials are used in the field of Dentistry to provide patients with milled ceramic crowns,on lays, inlays, veneers and bridges. The models generated by CADsoftware are often used as info to other mechanical engineering and design tools.

Every machine minder has experienced the negative impact of a machine collision or part gouge. Very simple programming errors can lead to some pretty complex shop problems and bring productivity to a halt.

Whether you’re machining simple or complex parts, there is always the possibility for error. Gouges and collisions can be caused by any number of reasons which includes fixture set up, improper tool selection or the more likely cause is a simple programming error. Depending on the degree of severity of the collision or the value of the tool, the cost of programming errors can add up to pretty significant sums between replacements, repairs and time-lost machining.

Zbut the fact is that many of these programming errors are avoidable. CAD-CAM System Simulations have advanced tremendously over a decade.

E.g. (1) BobCAD-CAM’s software: By using this software one can program CAD-CAM system simulation with the actual machine specs from their shop. The software provides anaccuracy of a simulation as possible while identifying potential collisions and gouges.

2. Solidworks 2016 3D Cad software enables you to quickly transform novel ideas into great products

Earlier simulators were only available with the expensive CAD-CAM Systems. But today, that isn’t the case. Afford-ability combined with advancements in computer hardware and graphics capabilities have made quality simulators accessible to job shops of all sizes.

What are the top 10 Reasons that you should use CAD-CAM System Simulations:
  1. Identify deviations in machine parts: this will show you where tools were inadequate to machine within the associate operations and left material on the stock.
  2. Calculates cycle times accurately.
  3. Check for part errors which includes machine, tool, and tool holder collisions.
  4. Utilize your machine’s kinematics to visually watch your machine tool in action.
  5. Set up an unlimited amount of virtual machines that match the machines in your shop
  6. See exactly how the part will look cut on your machine at any point during the machining process.
  7. Assign clarity levels to your machine for complete viewing control.
  8. Use dynamic viewing functionality for better supervisions.
  9. View and proof cut paths from any angle
  10. Set machine travel limits and detect over travels

The final picture benefit includes less time wasted on programming errors, fewer parts scrapped, and ample peace of mind knowing that you control more of your machining process.

CAD-CAM System Simulations offers time savings and efficiency benefits which are valuable for any CNC machining shop. This technology is vital in ensuring that a shop is very productive and profitable simultaneously.

Our CAD CAM training institute is more than enough for you to make your profession in this field.