Know the difference between the triggers and the causes of asthma

Author: Avni Deshmukh

According to the specialists, once a patient has acquired asthma it cannot be cured. This will now be a lifelong condition and you have to get used to it. Be it India or the world around us, the number of patients suffering from asthma is at an all time rise. There is no specialist or medical personnel who can give you guide on how to cure asthma. Why? The reason for this is that there is just no cure for asthma. It is based on the severity of asthma and the symptoms experienced by you, the treatment and the cure of asthma will differ. Apart from this, what may trigger an asthma attack in you might not be similar to what may trigger an asthma attack in other patients. When everything else is different, why do you think the treatment can be the same?

Know the difference between the triggers and the causes of asthma

1. In order to be able to understand the causes of asthma in you, you must first be able to differentiate between the causes as well as the triggers of asthma. These are the triggers that are making you vulnerable to asthma.

  1. Some of you, might happen to confuse the triggers of the asthma with the causes of the asthma. This confusion during the assessment stage is transferred to the treatment stage as well.
  2. For the truth to be told, the causes of the asthma are just not similar to the triggers of the asthma.
  3. Triggers are the things that may induce an asthma attack in you.
  4. In order to be able to understand the difference between triggers and symptoms you must know one thing, had there been no triggers, there would not have been any problem.

What is asthma and what are the causes of asthma?

  1. What is asthma? Asthma is a respiratory disorder in which the tracts of the bronchi are chocked because of the presence of the mucus in it. To get rid of the mucus, a patient keeps coughing.
  2. So, what is causing asthma in you? There is no perfect answer to this as there may be a range of factors that may be causing asthma in you.
  3. Some of these causes may be environmental in nature while others may be because of the genes.

So, if someone in your blood relation has asthma, there is a chance that you too may be prone to it.