Benefits of Rowing Machine Workouts

Author: Helen Reviewer

Rowing machines, like all other fitness machines, have improved over time. These machines are currently on an upswing, drawing in more and more users. They are designed to offer a realistic mimic of water-based rowing in order to provide a complete workout. But what do rowing machines have to offer that makes them a better choice to go with compared to other fitness machines out there? If you want to find out, read the following lines.

Improve cardiovascular fitness

Every time you perform a sustained exercise that increases your heart rate and breath volume, you are working on your cardiovascular fitness. The rowing machine is the ideal equipment to use if you want to improve the performance of your heart and lungs because it engages all the major muscle groups of your body. This requires the heart to pump more blood to the working muscle tissue in order to deliver nutrients and energy to the cells while eliminating the waste byproducts. The truth is that our bodies don't like to exert themselves. Therefore, when you're working out harder than you usually do, the body makes physiologic adjustments. This way, future exertion will feel easier. When you use the rowing machine, your heart will pump faster and you will breathe harder. Your body will adapt to this exercise to make it feel easier the next time you use this machine. This means that you constantly improve your cardiovascular fitness when you're using the rowing machine.

Increase muscular strength and endurance

Muscular strength is how much weight a certain muscle group can lift in a single effort. Muscular endurance is how much weight a muscle group can lift repeatedly over time. When you're using the rowing machine, you can continuously increase both muscular strength and muscular endurance. This is all due to the fact that you are repeatedly pushing and pulling against resistance throughout the entire workout. It will spur the physiologic adaptations that enable a muscle group to continue exerting force without feeling fatigue. Therefore, by increasing resistance when using the rowing machine over time, your muscles will grow and develop, becoming stronger at the same time.

It's a low impact workout

The rowing machine is incredibly easy on the joints. Due to the fact that your feet remain in contact with the footpads and your hands maintain contact with the handles when you use the rowing machine, there will be little impact on the hips, shoulders, ankles, and knees during the workout. Therefore, you won't be prone to injury, and you won't feel physically uncomfortable when you're using this machine.

That being said, keep in mind that the rowing machine is not restricted solely for gym use. You can also buy one for home, and use it whenever you have some time to spare. On you can find informative articles that will help you decide on a rowing machine adequate for your needs. Compare several units before choosing one. Consider the resistance of each rowing machine, but also their comfort and convenience. Avoid noisy rowing machine that will be uncomfortable and unpleasant to use.