Why Choose FleetCor?

Author: Tom Nutt

FleetCor has long established itself as one of the leaders in providing fuel cards to fleet management companies and other businesses that have fleets, regardless of their size and scope. However, there are other, similar companies out there, which may leave you wondering why you should go with FleetCor. The reasons, actually, are many and varied, just like the very businesses FleetCor serves. However, there definitely are some very good reasons to go with FleetCor over all the others. Many other businesses have learned why FleetCor is the right choice, and hopefully, soon you will too!

Quick Approval and Start-Up

To begin with, FleetCor prides itself on helping customers to find the right fuel cards and other products and services to meet their needs, and, perhaps even more importantly, it has a reputation for doing these things as quickly and efficiently as possible.

FleetCor, it must be said, has a wide range of different companies and cards to its name, meaning that matching consumers with the right card is not difficult for FleetCor. Some great card brands include FuelMan, The Fuel Card Company, FleetCardsUSA, and EuroShell Card Kompakt to name a few. And that- the company’s broad range of connections- is why it can typically get people set up with and using their fuel cards in as little as one week on average.

Online Management Systems

Almost all the cards that fall under the FleetCor name come with online management systems that you can use to manage your FleetCor cards from the comfort and privacy of your own home or office or even when you’re on the go.

These systems, which allow you to manage settings for individual or multiple cards, can be accessed 24 hours a day, every day of the year, meaning that you will always have the ability to control your cards, and thus, your fleet.

With the online system, you can also monitor spending and other collected information on all transactions, allowing you to truly keep tabs on everything going on with your business and its cards.

Rebates and Discounts

One of the main purposes and aims of FleetCor and its products and services is to help you save money. That is why almost all of FleetCor’s cards come with multiple rebate and discount options.

With most cards, you can receive discounts and rebates for every single liter that a member of your fleet pumps, and obviously, that can really add up to big savings over time, positively affecting your business and its longevity. In Europe, users will always have their value added tax refunded via a rebate.

Superior Customer Service

A company doesn’t get to be as successful, as far reaching, or as large as FleetCor without being good at customer service and relations. You can rest assured that, when you choose a FleetCor card or any other FleetCor product or service, you will always have access to a caring, concerned customer service team whose only aim is to help you and keep you happy.

Should you ever have questions or concerns, either before or after you become a FleetCor client, call or email the customer service department for assistance; you won’t be disappointed!

Locate Nearby Fueling Stations

Most FleetCor owned cards come with an added special feature- a convenient app that you and your fleet members can download to help you locate nearby fueling stations that are in network.

When you have a tool that allows you to always find an in network station, there is no reason not to receive the discounts and benefits for which you are potentially eligible. Plus, it’s obvious that, by offering such an app, FleetCor truly does put you- the customer- first, and that, above all else, is a good feeling and the main reason to choose FleetCor over all the others.