For anxiety sufferers, phone counseling provides safe and structured care supporting positive result

Author: Family Therapist

Anxiety is difficult to overcome, especially when it gets in the way of one's profession. Unfortunately, for most patients, aid and care for anxiety is not always accessible. Medical professionals who are armed to handle a patient's anxiety attack are not always within reach. For this reason, phone counseling is considered a highly valuable development in psychological health care.

How it works

Before the Internet became popular, and before smart phones invaded our lifestyles, patients who suffer from anxiety attacks have to go through long travel times just to reach the clinics and offices of their counselors and psychiatrists. This results in higher levels of stress en route to the clinic, which may sometimes lead to full blown anxiety levels. Because of the level of difficulty that treatment entails, most patients who suffer from severe panic or anxiety attacks and up getting irregular or no treatment at all. Today, thanks to therapy phone appointments, anxiety attacks are much better handled. Patients can "meet" with their counselors anytime, anywhere. All they need is access to Internet and a VoIP application, some room for privacy (like a car or the bedroom), and a recorder or a notebook to keep track of all of the advice from the phone counseling session.

Who benefits from this?

Patients of all ages can benefit from therapy phone appointments. An adult who happens to be an executive, but who suffers from sudden anxiety attacks when stress levels are out of control can benefit from regular, structured treatment without the hassle of stepping out of the office. A child who suffers from extreme panic or anxiety attacks, and who dislikes public transportation need not go through the hurdles of long travel time just to meet up with his or her doctor. A regular session can be arranged through phone counseling.

Counseling over the phone has become so popular that more and more people are willing to admit to themselves that they have anxiety problems, and that they need treatment. They welcome the idea of treatments and counseling now because this healthcare has become more and more accessible.

How to choose your provider

Of course, not all psychologists and psychiatrists can pull this off. It is important that the medical practitioner you are seeking out is not too new in this particular field of counseling. A degree does not ensure success in any treatment. You should read up on reviews by other patients who have been under the doctor's care.

You should also undergo a preliminary consultation or interview to see if you should go for treatment, or if you should look for another counselor who might be a better match for your care. Not to worry as most preliminary interviews or consultations are free of charge.

While rare, some insurance companies do cover care for anxiety disorders. It is best to contact your insurance company and see if they can recommend any health care provider for your need. You should also look into the benefits from your company because you might actually have privileges for this sort of treatment which you could use.