A NYC Varicose Vein Doctor on How to Take Advantage of Vein Disease Treatments
Dr. Lowell Kabnick, New Jersey vein specialist, describes vein disease treatments and how you can take advantage of them to eliminate swollen legs and ankles and varicose veins.
What do New Jersey Residents need to know about vein disease treatments?
There are a number of highly effective and minimally invasive vein disease treatments available today from Dr. Kabnick, one of the best vein doctors in New Jersey. These treatments include sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy and endovenous treatments such as radiofrequency and laser ablation. These procedures are all performed on an outpatient basis in about an hour, with no need to experience lengthy recovery times. So you’ll be out of the clinic and back at your day within a few hours.
Which treatment is right for me?
Many patients have this same question. At your New Jersey vein disease treatment center, you’ll get a professional venous health examination including a medical and family history, a visual examination of your legs, and a painless Duplex ultrasound exam, which will reveal any diseased veins deep beneath the skin’s surface. Armed with this information, Dr. Kabnick will be able to recommend the best treatment modality for your specific condition, and the one with the greatest likelihood of permanent success in getting rid of your varicose veins once and for all.
To take advantage of these new treatments, prepare for your first vein appointment by asking your close family members if they have any history of vein disease or vein treatment, and noting down any symptoms you have been experiencing and any lifestyle factors that may affect your risk of developing varicose veins. These risk factors include being overweight or obese, a lack of regular exercise, having to stand or sit for hours at a time, and smoking. With this information, your vein doctor will be able to help you devise strategies based on your personal risk profile to help ensure that after your treatment, varicose veins never bother you again.
If you have any questions about vein treatments or about vein disease in general, feel free to give us a call at 973-419-5511. We look forward to meeting you.
Author Bio: A NYC Varicose Vein Doctor explains how to take advantage of the latest and most effective disease Spider Vein Treatment In Nj.