Busting the Myths of Dressing Table Reflections in Bedroom

Author: Dhanwant Singh

How often are you confused about the right placement of the smallest of objects in your home? Is the dressing table one of the top queries on your mind while balancing the different MahaVastu zone in your living space? If you answered yes, then here is some useful information for you.

There are times when people are curious about the right placement of the dressing table in their home. They are worried about the reflection of their or their sleeping self in the mirror of the dressing table. Similarly, they are worried about other objects such as wall mirrors or glass tables in their home; especially their bedroom.

Vastu Shastra or the Indian science of architecture ensures that you understand the different zones in your home and restore the balance of the different elements in them with respect to their corresponding elements and their attributes. Vastu plays a key role in stabilizing the energies in a property in order to reap maximum benefits for the inhabitants in terms of their wealth, health, happiness and overall prosperity.

Dressing table has always been a debatable topic in Vastu as well as oriental studies of Space and Architecture such as Feng Shui. As per Vastu, It is important to understand that the reflection does not have any negative impact on a person’s life. Vastu Shastri and Growth Guru, Dr. Khushdeep Bansal, emphasize on the relevance of the right placement of a dressing table in the right zone of a built up space than the reflections in its mirror.

Some important aspects of the placement of dressing table in the bedroom are detailed below:

  • Mirror is a water element and hence, placing it in the South-East MahaVastu zone disrupts the balance in them.
  • Dressing table in the South East zone result in negative effects in a person’s life. It results in unfortunate incidents such as miscarriage, accidents, mishaps, injuries etc. When placed in the South-South West zone of disposal, it gives an extension to this zone and results in loss of fertility for the people sleeping in the bedroom.
  • If placed in the South West zone of Relationships, a dressing table results in the extension of this zone as well. There is increase in the level of expectations between the married couple leading to marital discord and complications.

Vastu Shastra brings forth the techniques and remedies for balance restoration in a property or enclosed plot of land. It ensures that the inhabitants enjoy the benefits in terms of monetary growth, health and vigour, mental peace, marital bliss, children, education, prosperity and overall abundance and positivity in life.

The writer, MahaVastu Expert Prof. Dhanwant Singh, is CEO of MahaVastu Bengaluru Centre and also Founder & Chancellor of the APEX Professional University, Arunachal Pradesh.

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