Start Your Charity at Home : Feed a Child

Author: Saurabh Supekar

Are you pained by the pitiable condition of children living in the streets? Feed a child in Mumbai by associating with NGOs and self-help groups that are involved in the community development programs in urban areas.

India is a country with a yawning gap between the rich and the poor. Speedy growth of the economy has failed to reduce this gap. If you are pained by the misery and light of the children living in the slums and shanties, then you yourself can become an agent of change in their lives by working for their upliftment. By feeding a child you will be able to make sure that he or she has got at least two square meals in a day. Here are some ways in which you can contribute to their growth: -

Donate food to NGOs

There are quite a few NGOs that accept donations in the form of kind from individuals and organizations. By donating food items to these NGOs, you can ensure that children from poorest quarters of the city have adequate nourishment necessary to enjoy good health. To feed a child in Mumbai, you will need to check the background of an NGO well before making a donation. There are hundreds of NGOs that run community development programs of this type but there can be no guarantee that your donated items reach the needy. Therefore, to be sure that the NGO you associate with is an authentic one, you will need to find out about the success of the community development programs they have handled in the past.

Join an NGO as a volunteer

The NGOs that work amongst the poor sections of the urban population do accept volunteers to work on their behalf. If you have a burning desire to help children from the poorest sections and contribute to their welfare, then you can feed a child in Navi Mumbai by taking active part in these projects. While working in these community development programs, you will get a clear idea of the challenges that children from underprivileged families are faced with. You will work in the community kitchen as a part of the program and oversee that kids from the target group get adequate meals on a daily basis.

Associate with self-help groups that run mid-day meal schemes

Mid-day meal schemes involve self-help groups that are responsible for cooking meals for children from underprivileged sections. By offering them aid in the form of food items, you can ensure that needy children get at least two square meals in a day. The decentralized model of this scheme is known to incur minimal wastes and therefore a viable alternative that you can adopt to help children from Mumbai’s slums to have a normal life.

In order to get in touch with these self-help groups, you will need to spend some time on the internet. Checking the authenticity of these groups is essential in order to ensure that your donations are used in a proper manner for fulfillment of the nutritional needs of needy children. You will get a deep sense of satisfaction by taking this small step and ensure that children have access that children from poor families can lead a normal life.

The author is a social activist and a blogger who regularly writes on social issues including feed a child.