Effective Herbal Treatment For Breast Cancer

Author: David Agustinus

Breast cancer is abnormal cell growth of malignant cells form in the tissues surrounding the breast. Female breast is composed of glands that make breast milk or commonly called lobules, tiny channels that carry milk from the lobules to the nipple commonly called ducts, fat and binding tissue, blood vessels and lymph nodes. From most of these breast cancers originate in the cells that line the ducts (ductal cancer), of multiple starts in the lobules (lobular cancer) and a small portion stems from another network.

Early Signs of Breast CancerEarly signs of disease arising from breast cancer is a lump in the breast that feels different. When pressed, a bump is not going to hurt / pain. Basically, these lumps are small, but over time these lumps enlarge and eventually attached to the skin or trigger changes in the breast skin or nipple. Several other signs also emerged, such as:1. The shape / size of the breast changes2. Changes in skin color on the breast, for example, from pink to brown to orange peel.3. Feel like burning skin of the breast area.4. The nipple into the (retracted).5. If the tumor is large, there will be pain is intermittent.6. Discharge of blood or fluid from the nipple, when you're not in lactation.

Step Right Cure Breast Cancer With Obat Herbal Kanker Payudara

  • K-muricataMedicinal herbs K-muricata be in the form of herbal tea is made from a combination of soursop leaf extract to mice taro plant. In addition, there is also a magical compound content contained in soursop leaf extract that is acetogenins capable of destroying cancer cells. While the existing content on mice taro plant is Ribozome Inactivating Proteins that act to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Inactivating Proteins Ribozome has another benefit that is to detoxify toxins and various kinds of waste substances inside the body. Besides being able to destroy cancer cells and inhibit the growth of cancer cells, K-muricata herbal medicine can also prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.Therefore, for those breast cancer patients in particular who want to recover from illness during this encounter. So, we suggest that you should choose a method of treatment using natural herbal medicine that is K-muricata. Because K-muricata herbal medicine is very powerful and effective in treating breast cancer you. In addition, K-muricata herbal medicine is also safe and without any side effects. Because, as has been described above that herbs K-muricata is just combined from natural material of choice, so it is good and suitable to be consumed by anyone.