Shopping for Notary Supplies Online for Value and Convenience

Author: Acorn Sales

Searching online you can find all of your supplies in one place for our convenience, and you can stock up on these critical supplies: Notary Acknowledgment Certificate Pads. Please keep in mind that wording differs from state to state.

A notary needs to keep acknowledgment certificates handy, because 80% of notarizations are acknowledged signatures. Sometimes the notary verbiage is embedded in the document, but sometimes you need to attach a loose certificate. Notary Jurat Certificate Pads Another definite must. Some states allow a notary to get a stamp with the Jurat certificate wording, while others require having a real certificate. It is best to have a pad of loose certificates since Jurats represent roughly 19% of all notarizations.

Copy certification by document custodian Copy certification by document custodian is a less commonly needed pad, but you will have it when you need it if you purchase one! The verbiage is very similar to Jurat wording as the signer is swearing under oath that the document is an exact copy of the original. Get an inkless thumbprint pad. You need to keep one around in case you have a power of attorney, or deed that is having a signature notarized on it. Laws differ from state to state about what is legally required, but getting journal thumbprints for critical documents is really important regardless of what your state laws say. Notary Carry all Bag, You need this so you can fit all of your notary gear and pens in one little bag.

There are compartments for a stamp, embosser, pads, journals, pens, receipt pads, and more! Journal of official notary acts. If your state doesn’t require a journal, get one anyway. You need to be accountable for who you notarized just in case something ends up in court. So be prepared and keep a journal so you have evidence of whom you notarized.

Otherwise, someone could forge your seal, pretend to be you, notarize a document, and you would have a hard time proving they didn’t do it. Your journal is in sequential order, so if a notarization done by someone else in May 15th, 2010 shows up and is not in your journal, either you forgot to enter it (serious mistake), or it was fraud (gulp!). Notary law primer not all states has a notary law primer, and not all notaries want to have one. But, it is good to carry a reference book with you just in case you are at a signing where you might not know what to do. Sometimes identification is a problem, and the law primers can generally tell you what is allowed in your state, and answer a whole bunch of other questions. Notary Seal Most states require a notary-inked seal. It looks official, and I think you should have one even if you state says it is optional Notary Embosser Seal: This seal leaves an inkless raised seal in papers that you notarize. The raised seal cannot be photocopied which adds to its integrity. So, when you are looking for notary supplies online look for a reputable company to buy them from.