Muscular Dystrophy Stem Cell Treatment And Rehabilitation Program
Muscular dystrophy is one of those diseases that can be only improved effectively by the use of modern stem cell therapy. Muscular dystrophy stem cell treatment and the complete rehabilitative program bring a great number of health benefits to the sufferers.
Muscular Dystrophy or MD is the name given to a group of diseases that weaken the human muscles as well as the whole muscular-skeletal system. The locomotion aspects are also damaged. The skeletal muscles progressively weaken, and the muscle proteins also undergo defects. Ultimately the muscle cells, as well as the tissues, die. MD has 30 variations.
The signs and symptoms of the disease include poor balance, progressive wasting of muscles, the curvature of the back and spine, inability in walking that worsens with time, respiratory difficulties, muscle spasm and other disorders.
MD is predominantly a genetic disease and people often inherit it. The most common form of MD is DMD or Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. The disease is caused by a mutation that affects a gene that codes for Dystrophin, a protein. If the mutation affects an individual, then the protein Dystrophin may completely be absent or the patient’s body and may not function correctly. In either of the cases, the muscles start to deteriorate and weaken. As Dystrophin is the shock absorber of the muscles, without it the muscles cannot prevent fiber damage and cannot sustain shocks. They hence eventually wear out.
Muscular Dystrophy Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cells can be acquired from different body areas, including bone marrow, and can also be grown in vitro. The target of the unique stem cells are the muscle areas where Dystrophin in lacking or is not functioning properly. As stem cells have all the desired rejuvenation and differentiation capability, they can spread to the affected areas, and can provide the muscles adequate strength. Stem cells can also move around the whole body, and any muscles of any body part can be affected, stem cells can treat muscular dystrophy in any part of the body. Stem cells also regenerate to form satellite cells that can provide for the regeneration of skeletal muscles.
Stem cells exert their beneficial effects through:
- Secretion of cytokines that can provide for the better neural health, and can repair the damaged muscle cells.
- Differentiation
- Cell fusion
- Providing greater supply of oxygen that can provide adequate Vascularization to the damaged parts.
Rehabilitation Program
The best of health care institutions also provide a complete neuro and muscular rehabilitative program for restoring the health of the person suffering from muscular dystrophy. The medical practitioners and experts that participate in the therapeutic treatment include Physiotherapists, Orthopedic Surgeons, Neuro Surgeons, Occupational Therapists, Yoga Teachers, Speech Therapists, Psychologist, Dietitians and registered and experienced therapy providers.
The rehabilitative program of the MD therapy includes Occupation therapy, Physiotherapy, Dance and Music Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Andrologists Therapy, Psychological Therapy and other therapies. The holistic approach improves the mental and physical health of the MD patients in multiple ways. Apart from better muscular strength, the patient also attains other significant improvements and enjoys freedom in carrying out his/her daily activities.
Post stem cell therapy, the patient suffering from MD shows better trunk muscle strength, greater limb strength, and better balance. There are also benefits in areas like ambulation, stamina, hand function and trunk balance. The therapy way only last for a week or so, but the patient improves significantly and possesses a number of new capabilities that were absent earlier. Apart from muscular dystrophy, autism stem cell treatment and treatment for other neurological disorders like Spinal Cord Injury and Dementia is also provided by the leading stem cell institutions like NeuroGen Brain and Spine institute.