Online Tax Filing Services For The Smart Expat

Author: Randy Park

Any income that is generated wherever you are working in the world is subject to the income tax rules of the country just like if you were working in the country itself. There is no exception to this. Military personnel or those who are serving in military duty in a country outside of the U.S. are the only ones who have been given an extension of two months from the regular date of filing taxes without having to pay penalty. For all others, if they have to take an extension on the due date and have informed the authorities prior, a penalty has to be paid for the interest of the unpaid taxes during that period of time.

Simplicity of Online Tax Filing Services:

Nowadays, online tax filing services have made life easier for expats. Preparing taxes by oneself is a challenging tax, and without sufficient information, it is easy to make mistakes and sometimes end up paying more than you need to pay. Since all money is hard earned and precious money, this can be easily avoided by taking the services of reputed and reliable tax return services experts such as CPAs or tax attorneys. These expat tax services help to save not just money but time also, so in the end there is absolutely no hassle for expats over filing of taxes anymore.

Documentation Required for Online Tax Filing Services:

There are several documents that are required especially for expats filing U.S. taxes. This can seem to be a daunting list but with the help of the online tax filing services, this is easy to follow and implement. For example, all U.S. citizens living abroad need to file proof of residency for at least 330 days in a period of 12 months to get the expatriate status. Some of the documents that support this proof could be residency ID cards or permits and even a travel calendar that shows your schedule of travel within that particular tax filing year.

Benefits of Expat Tax Services:

There are several ways in which expat tax services benefit expats by saving them money. This is done by informing them of ways they can save money which they may not have been aware of. For example, expats can have significant savings in tax by deducting housing expenses in part. In order to prove this, it would be wise to keep a record of all the rents that have been paid to the landowner, as well as any utility bills (which does not include telephone bills), and any insurance expenses incurred during that particular year.

Tax return services have made life easier for the expat so filing taxes can be faster, smoother, and definitely hassle-free when done online!