Stainless Steel Sculpture: The Art Of Welding

Author: Mark John

Sculpture is one of the most beautiful and flawless piece of art developed by humans. It is beautiful to look at, great to develop thought process and amazing to get a glimpse of a beautiful mind. Stainless steel sculpture is processed with the help of welding. Welding refers to a fabrication process which causes coalescence between materials such as metals, thermoplastics, and others.

Welding is an important process for the construction of various objects and structures, as it can be applied to the creation of functional objects as well. Generally, heat is used to weld the workpieces and a filler material is used to form a weld pool or molten material. When the weld pool solidifies, a strong joint will be formed.The process of welding functional objects is often simple as it is performed with the sole purpose of joining materials together.

Sculptural welding, requires an extensive knowledge and skill. Welding for art involves welding materials of different shapes and colors for various purposes. Steel sculptures are not really new but past few decades have developed sculptures which are thoroughly made of steel and with high definition finishing to it. Welding equipments can utilize open flames, electric arc or laser light. Some of the tools effective for making stainless steel sculpture:

  • Plasma Cutting Tables - CNC plasma cutting tables for architectural iron work and projects.
  • Welding Tools - Tools like chisels, hammer, pins and torch are commonly used for welding. Most sculptors use a torch or die grinder to cut out the material.
  • Welding Equipment – MIG and TIG welder are mostly used as welding equipment for different processes. After a piece is cut you will need to polish and smooth the edges with a metal wheel grinder.
  • Welding Devices and Supplies – The final step is to spray it with an acrylic coating that will give it a glossy finish and will protect it from rust. You can find various welding devices and supplies to make the sculpture finish perfect.

Some of the recent developments in the welding industry include the friction welding process developed in Russia and the laser welding. Laser was originally developed in Bell Telephone Laboratories but it is now being used for various kinds of welding work. This is due to the inherent capacity of lasers in rendering precision to all kinds of welding jobs. If you are new to welding and the stainless steel sculpture, you should find out instructional information on basic welding techniques for artists. You will get basic information in a simple and easy format and proceed with the work you are trying to finish.

Many professional sculptors who have training in art rather than welding outsources their stainless steel sculpture work. This is an opportunity for you to either sell cheaper items at a greater profit or pick up some outsourcing work from a sculptor you admire who doesn’t have the skill you possess.