Benefits of Stem Cell Treatment And Rehabilitative Program in Stroke
Stroke occurs when there is poor or reduced blood flow to the brain parts. Poor blood flow results in injury and death of the brain cells. There are 2 major types of stroke. This includes:
Ischemic stroke:
Occurs because of lack of regular blood flow to the brain. A blood clot may stop or disrupt the flow of blood to the brain.
Occurs when blood vessel in the brain ruptures that leads to internal bleeding inside the brain. High blood pressure is the most common cause of hemorrhagic stroke.
Symptoms of Stroke
Signs and symptoms of stroke include a sudden severe headache, loss of consciousness, inability to feel or move one side of the body, problems in speaking and understanding, feeling that the whole world is spinning, loss of vision and others.
Causes of Stroke
There are a number of factors and causes of stroke. These include smoking tobacco, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, obesity, diabetes mellitus and atrial fibrillation.
Stem Cell Treatment in Stroke
The older therapies for treating stroke did not provide for the arrest of damage that affected brain at a microcellular level in times of stroke. Measures like surgical, medical and rehabilitative failed to cure and heal the irreversible damages.
Stem cell treatment is now possible in stroke. Stem cells have the self-multiplication properties and can differentiate to form the specialized cells. They can migrate to the affected areas of the brain after transplantation and can repair, regenerate and cure the stroke affected tissues. Stem cells also produce cytokines and certain trophic factors that promote oxygen and blood supply.
- Stem cells differentiate to form neural progenitor cell markers and can migrate along the same paths of the neuronal progenitor cells.
- Stem cells can provide neuro-regeneration and neuroprotection to the affected brain areas.
- Stem cells can be easily obtained from the bone marrow and can be easily transplanted into the human body without using any kind of invasive methods.
- When the stem cells are obtained from the own bone marrow of the individual, then there is no possibility of rejection.
Post stem cell therapy, the stroke patients exhibit improvements in areas like trunk activity, lower limb activity, hand/upper limb activity functions, greater and better mental functions and speech, better independence in daily activities and better ambulation.
Rehabilitation Program
While stem cell therapy can alone provide for a number of improvements in the stroke patients, the best of health care institutions like NGBSI or Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute, also offer an integrated rehabilitative program, so that all the physical and mental aspects of stroke patients can be improved.
Expert Care
The complete and comprehensive team of caregivers including neurosurgeons, neurologist, physiotherapists, speech therapists, aquatic therapist, dietitian, occupational therapists, undertakes different treatment procedures. Other health practitioners like a psychiatrist, orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, urologist, andrologists, ENT specialists, and gastroenterologist from a secondary team to provide other allied therapeutic procedures.
Patients get improved speech, better muscle strength, more bladder control and more independence in carrying out their daily life activities. They also get a compel diet chart that helps them to feed on best foods that can bring to them better mental and physical strength.
Apart from treatment for stroke dementia, and autism, the spinal cord injury stem cell treatment is also possible. Stem cells are the future of molecular and regenerative medicine and can bring in great improvements in the mental and physical aspects in patients suffering from the otherwise incurable neurological diseases.