Entertainment: Influence of Laughter & Crying on Human Health

Author: Abdul Raheem

Man - this is the only species that can laugh and cry. The average adult laughs and cry 17 times a day. Scientists have known for a long time about the benefits of laughing and crying for health and according to them : laughter and crying reduce stress, help to cope with major diseases, lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation. Laughter and tears also help to get rid of negative emotions such as fear, anger and resentment. Conventionally, among the causes of these phenomena can be divided into two: the gestures and sounds. Very often, they complement each other, thereby enhancing the effect. It is difficult to imagine our life without laughing and crying. There is no such person who at least once in his life did not laugh or cry. It is doing everything. Has anyone thought about why people laugh and cry?

The relevance of this topic is that laughter and crying - it's affordable and cheap means that it is not necessary to buy at the pharmacy. This means all people have. It is necessary to teach people how to use these means to prove their positive effects. People will laugh and feels better.

We see the lot of physical problems in daily life and can improve their health without expensive medicines by laughing and crying?

The purpose: study of laughing and crying, and their impact on health.

Subject of research: positive and negative human emotions.

The object of study: the students of the Amur Medical College, relatives. The total number of study is 65 people.

Smeh- one of the human reactions to humor or tickling, manifestations of which include specific sounds and involuntary movements of the facial muscles and breathing apparatus. In some cases, laughter can be a reaction to tension (nervous laugh), or be a sign of mental illness.

Laughter in humans - a reaction to the many phenomena, the external manifestation of feelings. It is believed that from all living creatures only people laugh. Why do people laugh and what is the purpose of laughter? These issues affect not only the problem of the physiology of how the problems of psychology and philosophy. Because laughter - this is a reaction of people is not only something funny, but in some way sad. After all, sometimes we laugh at someone's weakness, clumsiness of someone's physical disabilities.

The Mechanics and Physiology of Laughter:

Laughter is a complex act consisting of a modified respiratory movements in connection with certain facial expressions.

As for the facial expressions in laughter, it is caused by the reduction of certain groups of facial muscles, giving the face well-known expression, characteristic of laughing man. There are many similarities in the changes of respiration and facial expressions in laughter and weeping or sobbing, so that these states, from the outside, can be mixed together and the children of these states, even easy to pass each other.

From a physiological point of view, it is very useful to laugh for us. Laughter promotes the development of the lungs, using laugh we release the body of excess energy. And still laughing - a social phenomenon, because we laugh at those things and actions that are considered to be ridiculous. Laugh as the reaction of the people on our behavior forces us to consider the opinion of a particular social group and to adapt to the standard norms. So we should must spend some time for entertainment or laughing and it think the best source of it is online comedy movies which you can easily watch on any movies website like the oldest and favorite source www.movierulz.us or Let me watch movies or its depends own the personality because everyone has its own choice in this respect.