Experts say that most of the diabetes patients don’t know about their condition

Author: Lungs Sleep

Will you believe that almost 90 percent of diabetic patients are unaware of the probable dangers of the disease? The strange fact was shared by a renowned Diabetes specialist in Pune during an awareness program about Diabetes for IT professionals. Since they tend to overlook the symptoms the most, the disease gets diagnosed at a fairly advanced stage. Hence, Lungssleep organized a one-day program for youth. People working in IT are most vulnerable to the disease because of high stress and irregular working hours. Doctors warn about the dangers of it.

"It is a misconception that Diabetes comes without any warning. We do get symptoms but tend to ignore them. Research programs revealed astonishing facts. 9 out of 10 patients didn’t even bother about symptoms such as increased levels of thirst, high frequency of urinating and loss of weight. These are quite a visible symptoms, and it is hard to believe that one doesn’t notice it. However, amongst the sample most of the patients ignored it", the senior specialist said.

"World Health Organization has announced that India will be the capital of diabetes very soon, but still there is a high ignorance about it. Today, we have more than 65 million people affected by the disease. Remember, it was 50 million in 2010. So you can calculate the growth rate. If we believe on the figures published by WHO, then we will cross 100 Million mark by 2030 which is highly disturbing." He adds.

The level of negligence is disgusting

Surveys reveal that half of the patients don’t even realize that they are suffering from Diabetes. Neither have they felt any adverse impact on the personal of professional life, in spite of the fact that fatigue and exhaustion are the commonest symptoms of high sugar levels. As a result, most of them develop complications within a year or so which could have been easily avoided. There are also cases when patients who pills have been prescribed with pills to control the sugar level, either don’t take it or take the pill but skip their meals. Experts say that it is quite worrisome.

"If you do not take the pill before or after meals as the case may be), then there is a possibility of a sudden spike in sugar levels. Similarly, taking the pill and skipping the meal could lead to hypo (sudden drop of sugar levels). Both situations are equally dangerous. When sugar levels fluctuate at this magnitude, there are severe implications on health. Still, people take it very lightly", he looks concerned.

Diabetes brings a plethora of problems, and few of them are highly dangerous. Problems with the nerve system, cardiovascular complications, retinopathy, foot ulcers, are to name a few. Hence, it is critically important not to ignore it. The one-day workshop unfolded several mysteries and cleared misconceptions prevailing about Diabetes. Each one of the attendees got a new insight about causes, symptoms and implications of Diabetes. It was an enriching experience for the attendees. Hope there will be several such activities in future.


Increasing cases of Diabetes in India, make it important that we develop a better understanding of the disease. As more youth are getting affected by it, the situation becomes furthermore serious. It is important that youngsters do not ignore the primary signs of it and take proper treatment to keep the disease under control.