Marian Nelson-Addy - Fulfilling Her Passion

Author: Marian Nelson-Addy

Marian Nelson-Addy is a humanitarian relief worker currently working with one of the Christian-based relief agencies in the city of Bristol. She grew up in Bristol and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Science from the University College London, and a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of the West of England. Marian Nelson-Addy started volunteering at the local community center when she was a teenager. She watched her parents help the poor and needy at the community center and knew that when she grew up she wanted to be a humanitarian relief worker.

Marian Nelson-Addy started volunteering at a humanitarian relief agency when she was studying for her bachelor’s degree, which was her passion since she was a teenager. After volunteering for several years at the local community centers, she managed to secure a place as a volunteer with the relief agency which gave her the possibility of going to other countries as part of the relief team. She was one of the relief workers that traveled to the United States to help with relief efforts following hurricane Katrina’s destruction in southeast Louisiana.

After graduating with her master’s degree, she managed to secure a full-time position at the relief agency and has since traveled extensively in both the United Kingdom and the United States providing relief to victims of natural disasters. She was also a member of the relief team that traveled to Namibia, the Philippines, and Nepal, her most recent overseas mission trip was to Japan following the double earthquake in April 2016.

Marian Nelson-Addy is a pro-active young woman. She is a devout Christian and enjoys studying the Bible and ancient Biblical cultures. She plays an active role in her church’s youth group and other community-related activities. Both her parents are Christian and are regular volunteers at the local community center in Bristol. She is the third and youngest child in her family. Her two elder brothers are currently serving in the British Army. She enjoys playing football, running, and exercising, and still remembers participating in her first marathon together with her brothers.

Working as a humanitarian relief worker is a dream come true for her. She has learned valuable lessons in life by providing relief to victims of natural calamities around the world. She has discovered that in the midst of trouble and suffering, the spirit of oneness and brotherhood is what helps people stay together and rebuild their lives. Marian Nelson-Addy is an experienced humanitarian relief worker who enjoys helping people in need.

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