Visitation Rights Indianapolis for Non-Custodial Parents
What Happens After a Divorce?
A divorce is not all that there is to the end of a marriage. After a legal separation there are other things that need to be considered when it comes to breaking all ties. It includes gaining alimony and splitting of assets. But most importantly, where children are concerned, it is about providing them with the best option for growing up. This means, it needs to be decided that which of the parent is better for the kid. While the opinion of the kid is considered by the court, the age and the maturity of the child is also taken into consideration while giving away the decision. If sole custody of one parent is granted to the better parent of the two, then the other one gets a chance to see the child at determined time schedule. However, if it is found to be better for the kid to have no interaction with the non-custodial parents then they can be refrained from seeing the child ever again. In these cases the non-custodial parent can fight for his or her visitation rights Indianapolis, with the help of a great lawyer who can give the right pointers to favour the client.
How does this System Work?
When the court grants custody to only one parent and permission to the other to see the child at regular intervals, the parents can either by consensus draw a schedule on the basis of the free time that they have or if they are unwilling to cooperate, the court will give fixed schedules which the parents have got to follow for seeing the child. If the custodian parent again here fails to make the child available to the non-custodial parent, then the latter can seek legal support to sort the matter out with the help of a legal advisor.
What is the Need for a Lawyer?
Just as it is with divorce, there are legal measures and paper works that come as a part and parcel of the whole procedure. This is because it is an extension of the divorce and more importantly involves children. Since the safety and the well-being of the children forms their first and foremost concern, the process has been made that much more intricate and this the need for a lawyer to guide a non-custodial parent through visitation rights Indianapolis is immense and only with their aid will the client be able to go through the process successfully.
Author Bio: This article is written by Jared Andereson. He has got into writing professionally and uploads regular informative articles. You can refer to the articles and the information put down by him and clear your doubt on Indianapolis family law attorney