Features of Good Bariatric Program
Most people who choose to undergo bariatric surgery in India can sometimes become anxious about the decision that they have made; however, it is important to make sure that you get the best bariatric surgeon with a good program. When you choose bariatric treatment you should realize that you are making commitment to healthy living which in itself is not a simple process. The bariatric surgery itself is only the first step in a journey that requires a good support system thereafter. One of the main characteristics of a good bariatric treatment program is the availability of education regarding the different bariatric surgery options that are available. There are different types of bariatric surgery procedures that are available but they are divided into two major methods namely the restrictive and mal-absorptive procedures. The restrictive treatment procedures restrict the amount of for intake with the aim of reducing the calories that are consumed while the mal-absorptive procedures work by altering digestion in order to reduce the absorption of calories through the intestines. Some of the most common restrictive methods include vertical banded gastroplasty, adjustable gastric banding and gastric sleeve while the mal-absorptive methods include biliopancreatic diversion, biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch and roux-en-y gastric bypass.
Your bariatric surgeon and his team should be able to discuss with you the different options that are available in addition to their pros and cons; the advantages and disadvantages of gastric bands, gastric bypass sleeves or the gastric sleeve surgery. In addition to what the doctor will tell you about bariatric treatment, you may also want to talk to your family, friends and colleagues and especially those who have undertaken bariatric treatment in India for their opinions. However, since the best bariatric surgery for someone else may not necessarily be the same for you, you want to sit down with your team of bariatric surgeons before you make a final informed decision.
Am effective bariatric treatment program is one that will give you access to a good post-surgery support system that involves psychological support, nutrition and an exercise regime. Bariatric surgery in India will require that some permanent changes are made in terms of diet that will include the choice of food as well as the amounts that are going to be taken. Patients will deliberately to choose foods that are low in calories but high in nutrition while at the same time focusing on low fat foods in addition to fresh fruits and vegetables.
Patients who have undergone bariatric surgery in India are advised to consume small portions but which are adequate to provide the required nutrition and there may also be need for taking some nutritional supplements. There is also a need for a good exercise routine for its many benefits in addition to maximizing weight loss as occasioned by bariatric treatment.